The serial number of the project name is the project approval number of the person in charge.
Experimental and theoretical study on two-phase turbulence in 1 bubble column: National Natural Fund of Wang Shuli (second applicant)
Study on the establishment and application of 2 RPHPLC grey mathematical model: Sun Zhaolin National Natural Fund 29505036
Study on Forward and Inverse Finite Element Multigrid Method of Elastic Wave Equation in Seismic Exploration Yang Guang National Natural Fund (second applicant)
Characterization of Surface Active Phase Sun 296730 1 1 National Natural Fund of China on Molybdenum-based Tungsten-based Catalyst by 4 TD PAC Technology
Study on Synthesis of Nanostructured Functional Polymers in Mesoporous Molecular Sieves; National Natural Fund of Dong Zhang 29676004.
6 Fluorescence spectrum characteristics of rare earth ions in zeolite matrix Sun 2967 1006 National Natural Foundation of China
7 Basic Research on the Application of Microwave Aromatization Technology Sun Zhaolin 29676008 National Natural Fund
Interaction Energy of Colloidal Particles and Stability of Hydrophobic Colloids Haoping Wang 296730 12 National Natural Fund
9 Study on Environmental Friendly Catalytic Reaction in Petrochemical Industry (7- 1) Superfine Solid Acid Catalyst in Phosphoaluminum System Sun 29792070 National Natural Foundation of China
Study on preparation and application of 10 new foam metal catalyst for hydrodearomatization of oil products: Li Baoshan 598710/4 National Natural Fund of China.
Study on frequency response of 1 1 zeolite catalytic reaction: Sun Zhaolin National Natural Fund 2991130785.
Study on aromatization mechanism of 12 light hydrocarbon, Sun Zhaolin National Natural Fund 20076008.
Preparation and hydrogen storage properties of 13 mesoporous tin dioxide semiconductor materials Hu Chuanshun 50042008 National Natural Fund (second applicant)
14 basic research on the application of microwave aromatization of light hydrocarbons, Sun Zhaolin Ministry of Education Ji Jiao Zongzi [2000] No.06
15 research and development of supercritical solvent catalytic cracking process for heavy oil and residual oil [2000] No.06 Ministry of Education
16 research and development of supporting platform for oilfield geographic information system; Wen Tao Ministry of Education [2000] No.06
17 macro-strategic research on the reform and development of the second bachelor's degree education; Ministry of Education [200 1] No.219.
18 teaching reform and practice of graduation project (thesis) part: Yu Yutai 1282A0305 1 Ministry of Education
19 control of complex devices in process industry Liping 2001aa 41310 Ministry of science and technology (national high-tech research and development plan)
Study on preparation and properties of ultra-thin nano-porous carbon membrane Liu Bingsi, Ministry of Education [2002] No.247
2 1 Chemical Industry [2002] No.247 Identification and Control of Batch Polymerization Process of Ministry of Education.
22 extended Langmuir method and its application; Luo Genxiang 20273028 National Natural Fund
23 Preparation and Properties of Metal Oxide Self-organized Thin Films Hu Chuanshun 502020 14 National Natural Fund (second applicant)
Study on natural oxidation tendency of ferrous sulfide in sulfur-containing oil storage tanks Zhao 207 1024 National Natural Fund of China
Study on Adsorption and Diffusion of Mixed Hydrocarbons in Microporous Materials: National Natural Fund of Sun Zhaolin 20343006.
Preparation and application of 26 nanometer calcium sulfate whiskers (joint application), Zhang Honglin, Ministry of Science and Technology, 2003AA33X 130.
Study on the application of selective adsorption desulfurization technology in clean fuel production: Sun Zhaolin National Natural Fund 20476042
28 China state-owned enterprise property rights reform and salary incentive research Zhai Qingguo Ministry of Education [2004] No.527 Ministry of Education
29 China localization enterprise and university management case base construction project research Guan Mingkun National Soft Science 2003DGQ2B 17 1 (sub-project)
Pilot test of 30 nm ITO powder and high density ITO target Zhang Honglin 2004AA303542 Ministry of Science and Technology (National High-tech Research and Development Plan) (joint application)
3 1 Nano-sized Calcium Sulfate Whiskers and Adhesive Series Product Development Zhang Honglin 2005AA00 15 10 863 Program Guidance Project.
Effect of energy barrier in the pores of 32 molecular sieve on the diffusion performance of adsorbed molecules: Song Lijuan National Natural Fund 20546003.
Synthesis of 33 New Functionalized Ionic Liquids and Their Applications in Clean Oxidation
Study on the influence mechanism of water on sulfide formation and spontaneous combustion: Zhao 2077 1052 National Natural Science Foundation.
Study on sulfide adsorption behavior in the process of selective adsorption desulfurization of clean fuel: National Natural Fund of Song Lijuan 20776064.
Study on the theory of indentation contact boundary cracking of 36 cylindrical flat head and a new method for testing fracture toughness of stainless steel tin coating materials; National Natural Fund of Xie Yujun 5077 1052.
Study on Stress Corrosion Cracking Behavior and Mechanism of 37 X80 Steel and its Weld in Typical Soil Environment of China: Wu Ming 5077 1053 National Natural Fund.
38 delayed coking process optimization control system to improve energy efficiency Liping 2007AA4Z0 162 National 863 Plan
Study on the Mechanism of Selective Adsorption Desulfurization of 39 Clean Fuel Song Lijuan 2007CB2 16403 National 973 Plan
Study on Synthesis of 40 MTO-Schiff Compound and Its Catalytic Activity for Olefin Epoxidation; Zang 2081130392 International Cooperation Project.
Study on the effect of directional growth of nano-twins on the thermal stability of copper thin films 4 1 Chen Ji 5080 1036 National Natural Foundation of China.
42 Study on the Technology of Wastewater Pollution Control and Resource Utilization in Petrochemical Industry Zhang Honglin 2008ZX07208-003-00 1-02 National Major Science and Technology Project.
Modification of polydiene segments on the surface of carbon nanotubes by in-situ grafting
Ministry of Education [2008] No.890
Synthesis of 44 Cyclic Aliphatic Polyester: Li Haiying Foreign Affairs Office
Ministry of Education [2008] No.890
Study on crystal phase control of 45 nm polycrystalline metal oxide surface and its application in catalytic reaction Zhang Jing 20903054 National Natural Fund of China
Synthesis of Biocompatible Cyclic Polylactic Acid and Its Functionalized Polymers * * * Li Haiying 20974042 National Natural Fund
Effect of surface acidity of 47 adsorbents on selective adsorption desulfurization performance of fuel oil: Song Lijuan 20976077 National Natural Fund
Study on complex mixing characteristics of combined screw fluid in 48 three-screw extruder
Theoretical and applied research on micro-nano plane indentation crack of 49 gradient coating structure; National Natural Foundation of Xie Yujun 5097 1068.
Study on synthesis and properties of 50 rare dispersed calixarene new materials Zang 20903 1 Ministry of Education