When you go to the bank to pay the house maintenance fund, you can only transfer it with a UnionPay card. You cannot use a credit card to pay the deed tax. You can use a credit card. Conditions for the use of the maintenance fund: 1. The maintenance fund will only be transferred to the property owner after the warranty period expires.
*It can only be used when facilities and equipment are undergoing overhaul, renewal, or renovation.
Specific owners share the proportion of expenses according to the standard determined by voting rights.
2. When the maintenance fund is idle, it is prohibited to be used for other purposes except for the purchase of treasury bonds or other funds specified in laws and regulations.
3. Special use: (1) The property management company can temporarily borrow a reserve fund equivalent to one month's daily maintenance and update costs of the property from the maintenance fund; unless otherwise agreed in the property management service contract.
(2) If the residence needs major repairs or special repairs or updates, the advance payment agreed in the construction contract may be withdrawn, but the advance payment shall not exceed 30% of the total project payment.
(3) The owners' committee may leave a reserve fund equivalent to one month's activity funds in the account of the property management enterprise, unless otherwise decided by the owners' meeting.