How much can I earn by buying a fund?
Although the investment threshold of the fund is low, the investment is risky. The highest risk of funds is equity funds, followed by hybrid funds, then bond funds, and the lowest risk is monetary funds. If you choose a money fund, long-term holding is basically to make money without losing money, but the income is very low compared with other funds. The income of the money fund is generally between 2% and 3%, and how much money the fund can earn every day depends on the investment of investors and the increase of the fund.
For example, if Xiaobai invests 10000 yuan and the annualized rate of return of the money fund on the 7th is 2.8 190%, then the income is10000× 2.8190%/365 = 0.77 yuan.
The annualized rate of return of bond funds in the past two years is 20%. If you buy a bond fund of 10000, you can earn 5.5 yuan one day, but this is unstable.
Hybrid funds have an annualized rate of return of around 34% in the past two years. Buy a hybrid fund of 10000 for one day in 9 yuan, calculated according to the increase of the fund.
The annualized rate of return of equity funds in the past two years is around 47%. If you buy 10000 yuan, then the daily income is 13 yuan.
The above data are based on the assumption that the market conditions are more profitable. If the market is not good, except for the money fund, it will basically lose money.
To sum up, fund investment is risky, and how to earn more depends on the increase of investment funds and investment funds. All of the above are about "how much money can be earned by buying a fund, and how much money can be earned by buying a fund in general". I hope it helps you.