E Fund Company and China Asset Management Company, these two companies have strong management capabilities and company strength.
1. If fund fixed investment is long-term, then any time is appropriate!
Because if the fund's income is long-term, then its income is mainly related to the investment period, and has a great relationship with the choice of investment brands.
Also, the timing of investment intervention does not matter much.
A fund is to invest money in a fund company.
Let the fund company buy stocks through it.
Financial investment portfolios in the form of currencies.
Some fund companies have strong stock picking capabilities in a certain quarter.
Maybe next quarter will be weak.
So a good fund manager may swap shares frequently.
But it would be nice to have it possible, and swap shares frequently at the same time.
The cost has also increased, so there may not be good benefits.
In short, if you want to invest in funds for the long term, you can choose a combination of stock funds and index funds.
The returns of these two funds over 3 years are basically 15% per year!
Another thing is to choose a strong fund company.
Preventing the financial risks of fund companies, other basic things!
2. The most important indicator to measure fund yield rate is fund investment rate of return, which is the ratio of actual income from fund securities investment to investment cost.
The higher the value of investment yield, the stronger the earning power of the fund securities.
If the purchase and redemption of Fund securities are subject to a handling fee, the handling fee should be taken into account in the calculation.