In fact, the choice now is very large, for example, it can be divided into passive industry ETF index funds and actively managed industry theme funds. The former ETF index fund completely copied an existing industry concept index, and invested in most related stocks in this industry, and the average income of the industry could be obtained without active stock selection. Therefore, the yield difference of similar ETF index funds in the same industry is generally small. At the same time, the risk coefficient of such funds is less than that of industry theme funds. Because the investment is more dispersed and the allocation is more balanced.
Choosing industry ETF index funds is relatively simple. On the whole, it is enough to choose a fund with short establishment time, strong strength and moderate fund size, and the fund manager is not the most important consideration.
The active management of industry theme funds is different. It requires fund managers to actively study and choose excellent companies in the industry to invest. Test the industry insight and stock selection ability of fund managers. Therefore, the income of such funds is directly linked to the level of fund managers. Therefore, the performance level of the same type of funds may be quite different.
The choice of industry theme funds is relatively more complicated, and it needs to spend more proportion on the choice of fund managers.
In addition, considering the subscription fee, redemption fee, management fee and other rates of the fund, the rate of passive industry ETF index fund is lower than that of active management industry theme fund, and this cost should also be considered if it is held for a long time.