When studying funds, the first thing you need to know is the types of funds. There are different types of funds, and different types represent different income and risk levels. Funds are mainly divided into: money funds, bond funds, stock funds, mixed funds, index funds, FOF funds and so on. You can choose the appropriate fund type according to your risk tolerance when purchasing. There are generally two situations.
If you are just beginning to study funds, it is generally not recommended to buy funds with too much risk, because it is very important to lose money. You can consider money funds or pure debt funds, because such funds are generally not particularly risky and do not invest in the stock market. Holding them for a long time will basically not lose money unless it is a major economic crisis.
In addition, you can read more articles and videos to understand the fund, but there will be new articles every day, so it is also beneficial for everyone to continue to pay attention to or buy courses to learn. The teachers inside are very experienced. Watching video learning can save time and effort and learn fund knowledge quickly.
Fund learning is a process of gradual accumulation, which cannot be understood at once by reading an article. This requires constant learning. The more knowledge you know, the more money you will make.
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