What are professional loans rated for?
1. Corporate credit rating.
Including the credit ratings of companies and enterprise groups such as industry and commerce, foreign trade, transportation, construction, real estate, tourism, etc., as well as the credit ratings of various financial institutions such as commercial banks, insurance companies, trust investment companies, and securities companies.
Financial institutions and companies have different credit rating requirements.
Generally speaking, the production and operation of companies and companies are relatively normal.
Although there are risks, they are easy to identify.
A company's solvency and profitability are also easy to measure.
Financial institutions are different and are easily affected by the operating environment.
It is an enterprise engaged in currency lending and securities trading.
It involves a wide range of risks.
It requires the coordination of profitability, liquidity and security in the use of funds.
Asset-liability ratio management must be implemented and subject to supervision by relevant government departments.
Insurance companies are entities that engage in risky business, and the risks are relatively high.
Therefore, the risk of credit rating of financial institutions is greater than that of ordinary companies, and the evaluation work is more complex.
2. Securities credit rating.
Including credit ratings of long-term bonds, short-term financing bills, preferred stocks, funds and various commercial papers.
Currently it is mainly bond credit ratings.
In our country, a system has been established.
The state clearly stipulates that companies issuing bonds must apply for credit ratings from recognized bond credit rating agencies.
In terms of stock ratings, except for preferred stocks, pre-issuance ratings of common stocks are not advocated at home and abroad. However, the performance rating of listed companies after the issuance of common stocks, that is, the comprehensive ranking of listed companies' operating performance, is positive.
Some appraisal firms have written a book and published it publicly.
3. National credit rating (SovereignRating).
Country ratings are popular internationally and reflect a country's willingness and ability to repay its debt.
The content of the rating is very broad, in addition to a country's GDP, foreign trade and balance of payments growth trends.
, foreign exchange reserves, total amount and structure of foreign debt, fiscal revenue and expenditure, policy implementation and other factors that affect the country's debt solvency.
In addition, the financial burden brought about by the reform of the financial system, the reform of state-owned enterprises, and the reform of the social security system should also be analyzed.
Make a rating.
In accordance with international practice, the national rating is listed as the upper limit for the rating of foreign currency bonds issued by domestic units within the country, which shall not exceed the national rating.
4. Other credit ratings, such as project credit ratings, are credit ratings for specific projects.
Credit ratings are divided according to evaluation methods 1. Public evaluation.
Generally refers to the evaluation conducted by an independent credit rating company. The evaluation results must be announced to the public to provide credit information to the society.
The appraisal company is responsible for the appraisal results, which are notarized by the society.
This requires that credit rating companies must have a detached status, be free of administrative overtones, and be free from interference from any unit.
The evaluation basis must comply with relevant national laws and policies, be objective and fair, and have considerable authority in society.
2. Internal evaluation.
The evaluation results are not announced to the public and are held internally.
For example, the bank's credit rating assessment of the borrower falls into this category, which is independently conducted by the bank's credit reporting department and serves as an internal reference for loan review without providing external credit information.
Loan terminology Loan terminology: 1. Three in a row and six in a row: "Three in a row" refers to overdue repayments for three consecutive months, while "six in a row" refers to a cumulative six overdue repayments.
2. %: If someone tells you that the monthly interest rate is 8%, do you know what it means?
In fact, centimeter is a common interest term for private loans. One yuan is 1000 cents, so the loan interest rate of 8% refers to the monthly interest rate of 8 thousandths, that is, the monthly interest rate is 0.8%. If you borrow 10,000 yuan, the monthly interest is 80 yuan.
3. White accounts and black accounts: White accounts refer to users who have never had credit business with financial institutions. The credit report is basically blank except for personal information.
Black accounts refer to extremely bad credit, such as having three consecutive bad debts, being overdue for more than 90 days, bad debts, compensation and other records.
4. Equal principal and interest, equal principal: Equal principal and interest means repaying the principal and interest in the same amount every month. Equal principal means repaying the principal in equal amounts every month, but the interest will be different, so the repayment amount will also be different.
The total interest is equal amounts of principal and interest > equal amounts of principal.
5. Revolving quota: Many lending institutions will give borrowers a fixed quota, which can be borrowed and repaid at any time within a certain period, and the quota can be restored immediately after repayment.
6. Multi-loan: refers to the borrower applying for loans from multiple banks, financial institutions or private loan companies at the same time.
7. Head-cut interest: This means that the lender deducts a portion of the principal in advance before lending. If the borrower's actual payment does not match the contracted loan amount, the institution calculates interest based on the contracted principal.
Loan Notes 1. Borrowing Amount: When applying for a loan, the amount applied should not be too high. The larger the loan amount, the higher the possibility of being rejected.
At the same time, borrowers must apply for a loan amount based on their repayment ability to avoid financial pressure caused by too high monthly payments.