FoF (Fund of Funds) is a fund that invests in other investment funds. In short, the fund manager designed a product, which is composed of different fund portfolios. Private placement fof fund corresponds to public offering fof, which has a high starting point and must be a qualified investor to subscribe. Private placement FOF fund is a special private placement fund product that is not publicly promoted and is oriented to specific objects (qualified investors), such as private placement FOF and bond FOF. There are also many independent financial management offices that can combine private equity funds, fixed income funds and private equity funds into a FOF product because they have strong bargaining power. The threshold of 654,380,000 yuan for private placement is that for investors who have just entered the ranks of qualified investors, private placement FOF can better spread risks, because there are many targets-many targets are irrelevant, which is a better way to spread risks. Select private placement-view ranking-chat with private placement directly with one click.
If you want to know more about the FOF fund, it is recommended to download the private online APP. Private placement network is a digital-driven social financial e-commerce platform; Serve millions of investors with a dedicated attitude; A subsidiary of the faction. Com has a unique advantage in integrating fof fund's investment and research resources and massive data, and you can log in to Paipai Online Direct Store. Com communicates directly with private placement.