If we simply look at the income, it is definitely better to buy long-term funds, because people who have played with funds should know that long-term funds are basically stable. If you can keep a fund for more than 5 years, the future value of the fund will definitely increase exponentially, but when buying a fund, many people simply can't sit still. Whenever they see that the funds they buy start to fall, they will lose their temper and immediately prepare to throw all the funds in their hands. Then you will definitely lose money by doing so.
Of course, what kind of fund to buy depends on personal circumstances. Some people have a weak ability to take risks. At this time, I personally suggest that you buy that bond fund. Although the annual income of this bond fund is relatively low, about 10%, it is relatively stable and will not lose too much. However, if you have a strong risk tolerance, I suggest you play stock funds. This kind of fund has a relatively large income, but the risk is also relatively large.
Secondly, when buying a fund, we should check whether the funds in hand are sufficient. If you have enough money, you can buy more funds. When investing, everyone must adhere to a principle, that is, don't put all your eggs in one basket. In this way, even if the 1~2 fund is in a loss state in the future, other funds can always make up for it. But if we invest all our money in one fund, if this fund loses money in the future, we will have nothing.