Non-profit organizations refer to social organizations, foundations, private non-enterprise units, monasteries, temples, mosques and churches registered in accordance with national laws and administrative regulations.
Non-governmental non-profit organizations should also have the following characteristics:
(a) The organization is not for profit;
(two) resource providers do not get economic returns by investing resources in the organization;
(3) The resource provider does not enjoy the ownership of the organization.
According to the comparison with for-profit organizations, non-governmental non-profit organizations are defined as "entities that meet the following characteristics: entities get a lot of resources from donors, but donors do not require the same or proportional return on funds; The purpose of entity management is not to make a profit; The entity does not have the problem of the owner's equity of the for-profit organization. " Non-profit organizations have a wide range, ranging from large organizations, such as the American Red Cross, to small organizations, such as religious organizations, health and welfare institutions and educational institutions. The characteristics of non-profit organizations are "voluntary" and "public welfare".
Non-profit undertakings have the following three characteristics: first, they are not for profit; Second, do not calculate the profit and loss, and do not distribute the surplus;