1, World Trade Organization
The World Trade Organization (WTO) is one of the largest specialized international organizations and a permanent institution independent of the United Nations. Founded in 1995 and headquartered in Geneva, Switzerland. Currently there are about 164 members.
The main responsibility is to promote economic and trade development; According to the goal of sustainable development, consider the best use of world resources; Expand the production and trade of goods and services; Ensure that developing countries, especially the least developed countries, get a share in the growth of international trade commensurate with their economic development needs.
As one of the specialized agencies of the United Nations, UNESCO is an important international organization dedicated to promoting international cooperation among countries in the fields of education, science and culture in order to build peace.
The organization now has three main departments: the General Assembly, the Executive Board and the Secretariat, of which the General Assembly is the highest body and consists of representatives of Member States. China is one of the founding countries of UNESCO, and China has played an active role in the activities of the organization for many years.
3. World Health Organization
The World Health Organization (WHO) is a specialized agency under the United Nations, a worldwide international organization, one of the largest specialized international organizations in the world and the largest intergovernmental health organization.
Its main function is to promote the prevention and treatment of epidemic and endemic diseases; To provide and improve teaching and training in public health, disease treatment and related affairs; Promote the determination of international standards for biological products.
4. International Monetary Fund
The International Monetary Fund (IMF) was established in 1945 and began to operate in 1947. At present, there are about 190 member countries, and China is one of the founding members of the IMF. Together with the World Bank and the World Trade Organization, it is called "the three pillar organizations of the world economy".
The main responsibilities are to stabilize international exchange, abolish foreign exchange controls that hinder world trade, promote international cooperation on monetary issues, and solve the demand for foreign exchange funds arising from the imbalance of international payments of member countries by providing short-term loans.
5. World Bank
The World Bank (WB) began to operate in 1946 and became a specialized agency of the United Nations at the end of 1947. As one of the three pillar organizations of the world economy, the World Bank is mainly responsible for dealing with global and regional issues, providing loans and analytical consulting services to member countries, promoting fair and sustainable development and reducing poverty.
1980 On May 15, China resumed its representation and membership in the World Bank and accepted the first loan the following year. As a top ten specialized international organization, the World Bank now has as many as 189 member countries.
6. Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation
APEC is the highest-level, broadest and most influential economic cooperation mechanism in the Asia-Pacific region, and also the highest-level intergovernmental economic cooperation institution in the Asia-Pacific region.
APEC mainly discusses "issues related to the global or regional economy", including regional economic integration, economic structural reform and innovative development, global multilateral trading system, trade and investment liberalization and facilitation, interconnection, economic and technological cooperation and capacity building.
The Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC) is a regional specialized international organization. Its main responsibility is to coordinate and unify the oil policies of member countries, maintain the price stability in the international oil market and ensure the stable income of oil-producing countries.
Since the establishment of 1960, the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries has persisted in the struggle against western oil monopoly capital and made great progress in raising oil prices and nationalizing the oil industry.
8. Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations
Founded in 1945, FAO is the earliest permanent specialized agency in the United Nations system and an international organization for discussing food and agriculture issues among member countries.
The purpose of development is to improve people's nutrition and living standards, improve the production and distribution of agricultural products, improve the economic situation of rural farmers, promote the development of the world economy, and ensure that human beings are free from hunger. China is one of the founding countries of this organization.
9. International Criminal Police Organization
Interpol was founded in 1923, and its development purpose is to maintain political neutrality, and it will not be involved in any political, military, religious or racial crimes, nor will it be involved in non-transnational crimes. Its ultimate goal is to put public safety first, and mainly investigate crimes such as terrorist activities, organized crime, drugs, weapons smuggling, human smuggling and money laundering.
1984, Interpol officially accepted People's Republic of China (PRC) as the sole legal representative representing China as a member state. In the same year, China established Interpol China National Central Bureau.
10, World Meteorological Organization
The World Meteorological Organization (WMO) is one of the specialized agencies of the United Nations, an important specialized international organization in the world, and a platform for meteorological and hydrological departments of various countries to carry out international cooperation, mainly in weather, climate and water.
China is one of the founding countries of the World Meteorological Organization. People's Republic of China (PRC) resumed its legal seat in the World Meteorological Organization on 1972. China, Hongkong and China and Macau are regional members. China has been a member of the Executive Council of the World Meteorological Organization since 1973.