As an important economic cooperation area in northern my country and one of the regions with the greatest development potential in the Asia-Pacific region, the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei metropolitan area is another new growth pole of cooperation in my country after the Pearl River Delta and the Yangtze River Delta.
However, its development is much slower than the latter two regions. How to effectively promote regional cooperation in the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region and promote regional economic development in the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region?
1. Coordinate the inter-governmental relations between ZY and the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei local government. The overall governance of the metropolitan area is inseparable from the coordination of inter-governmental relations and the division of inter-governmental powers. In the collaborative development of the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei metropolitan area, ZYZF should as soon as possible
Introduce policies and regulations to support cooperation in the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei metropolitan area and guide and fund the development of the metropolitan area.
Based on these policies and regulations, ZYZF needs to coordinate the interest relationships among local governments in the metropolitan area and allocate special funds for the governance of cross-domain public affairs through vertical transfer payments.
For example, in order to alleviate the cross-domain governance problems of air pollution and water pollution faced by local governments in the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei metropolitan area, it is necessary to explore the use of ecological taxes and environmental taxes and establish a market-led water rights and emission rights trading mechanism.
ZYZF defines water rights and pollution rights at the legal level.
Secondly, due to the differences in administrative levels among local governments in the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei metropolitan area, ZYZF needs to balance the interests of each local government, such as providing certain transfer payment arrangements to encourage local governments to provide public goods and services with positive spillover effects.
, Reduce the negative spillover effects between local governments and avoid the occurrence of "beggar-thy-neighbor" phenomenon.
2. Establish a unified information network system for the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei metropolitan area. Driven by the era of big data, the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei cooperation area needs to establish a regional information network support system to link the database resources of various local governments, break down cooperation regional and departmental barriers, and facilitate cooperation.
Integrate public services, ecological environment, transportation and other aspects in the region to realize the sharing of information on talent, technology and business in the cooperation area, emphasizing the overall and collaborative decision-making approach of the metropolitan area.
For example, a cooperative regional information sharing and exchange platform is established to connect local government functional departments in Beijing, Tianjin and Hebei with functional departments of cross-regional collaborative organizations, so as to achieve real-time sharing and convenient exchange of information.
For another example, in terms of transportation integration, we can learn from Singapore's "intelligent" integrated traffic management system to collect and process traffic information from various local governments in the cooperation area in an integrated manner and use it through the Internet, electronic information bulletin boards, mobile phones, TV and
Radios, etc. provide users with timely traffic information to avoid users entering overly busy or accident-prone road sections.
At the same time, in order to solve the urban traffic congestion problem, highway electronic toll collection systems can be gradually established in Beijing, Tianjin and Hebei cities surrounding Beijing and Tianjin.
At certain times of the day, vehicles passing through the central business district will be required to pay a surcharge via an electronic system for the use of certain roads.
As a result, drivers who want to save time during peak traffic hours can choose toll roads, and drivers who want to save money can avoid busy periods and road sections and choose toll-free routes.
3. Establish a cross-regional integrated collaborative governance organization in the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei metropolitan area. Under my country’s current system, ZYZF takes the lead and establishes a cross-regional collaborative organization with the participation of local governments in the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei metropolitan area to coordinate and coordinate regional development plans. It is a more feasible approach.
This organization should be given the power of financial allocation and supervision of cross-regional public affairs to ensure the legitimacy and authority of the cooperative organization itself, thereby ensuring the effective implementation and execution of the entire cooperative regional policy.
The Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei cross-regional cooperation organization can formulate development plans for the entire region and coordinate the functional positioning and industrial division of labor of various local governments.
Several special committees have been established under this collaborative organization, such as air pollution control, water resources allocation, infrastructure construction, social undertakings and other fields. They are specifically responsible for allocating special funds for cooperation areas among local governments in the metropolitan area, thereby coordinating local governments.
benefits and ecological compensation.
Especially for the ecological compensation issue in the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region, cross-regional collaborative organizations can be used to compensate the cities in Hebei for the water resources used by Beijing and Tianjin in the cooperation area. Special funds can also be used to deal with air pollution problems in the cooperation area.
If there are disputes between local governments, they can also be mediated through cooperative regional cooperation organizations and the ZYZF.
In the governance of public affairs in cooperative areas, in addition to special allocations from ZYZF and local governments in metropolitan areas, funds and donations from the private sector, foundations and other organizations can also be further raised through collaborative organizations.
4. Build a multi-collaboration mechanism for the overall governance of the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei metropolitan area. The multi-collaboration governance mechanism for the metropolitan area is for local governments in the cooperation area to attract various non-profit organizations, private sectors, citizens, and regional cooperation organizations to jointly participate in the overall cooperation area.
Sexual governance relies on flexible horizontal governance networks to enhance the coordinated development of cooperative regions.
In the practice of Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei cooperative regional development, a multi-collaborative governance mechanism has not yet been established, and the participation of enterprises, non-government organizations and citizens in public affairs in the cooperative area is not high.
In this regard, the domestic Yangtze River Delta region has developed relatively well. For example, the Yangtze River Delta Economic Coordination Council plays an important role in promoting regional integration. The Coordination Council has introduced intermediary organizations such as associations and chambers of commerce to participate in the regional governance of the Yangtze River Delta.