Therefore, investing in stock funds is an indirect investment in stocks, so funds will bear the risks of stocks more or less. Many investors, in fact, don't know that the fund is indirectly investing in stocks, so they think that the fund is making steady profits, which is all wet.
Because we give money to fund companies to buy stocks, we always give people some labor costs, so there are subscription fees and redemption fees.
Of course, as a fund company, because of its professional personnel (rich professional knowledge of stock trading) and huge funds (you can buy a lot of stocks), it is objectively easier to make profits than retail investors. That is, many people think that funds are the first choice for investment, rather than touching stocks.
In addition, there are bond funds. Buying bond funds is equivalent to giving money to fund companies to buy bonds. Maybe you will ask: Why not buy it yourself? Because fund companies have a lot of money and are institutions, they can buy a lot of corporate bonds that are not open to ordinary investors, and the income is much higher than the national debt we can buy.