The fourth prize for Double Color Ball is 200 yuan.
Double Color Ball has a prize pool. The prize pool funds are composed of the high-level prizes that are not won and the bonuses that exceed the single bet bonus limit. The prize pool funds are used to pay the first prize bonus.
The adjustment fund includes the withdrawal portion of 2% of total sales, overdue tickets that have not been refunded, and the balance of floating bonuses rounded to the nearest dollar.
The adjustment fund is used to cover the risk of unforeseen bonus payouts and to establish special awards.
Other provisions of Shuangseqiu.
Winners of high prize levels will receive the corresponding bonus based on the number of winning bets in each prize level, and the prize will be rounded up in yuan; winners of low prize levels will receive corresponding bonuses based on the fixed single bet bonus of each prize level.
Double color ball prize redemption is valid for the current period.
The winner should take the winning lottery ticket to the designated location to claim the prize within 60 natural days from the date of the draw.
Overdue prizes will be deemed as abandoned prizes, and the prize money will be included in the lottery public welfare fund.
The winning lottery ticket is the only proof of winning the prize. If the winning lottery ticket cannot be correctly identified due to contamination, damage, etc., the prize cannot be redeemed.