Fund payment is actually the concept of medical insurance payment amount. Each of us bought basic medical insurance. During hospitalization, you can reimburse certain expenses with the payment voucher of basic physical therapy insurance. The proportion of reimbursement shall be implemented in accordance with the scope and standards stipulated by the state.
The scope of reimbursement includes hospitalization expenses, outpatient expenses and medical expenses. The reimbursement rate of first-level medical institutions is 80%, the establishment rate of second-level medical institutions is 75%, and the establishment rate of third-level medical institutions is 70%, which varies from place to place or outside the province.
In terms of investment and financial management, although the fund is only a small piece, there are also universities asking. Co-ordination fund refers to the part of public fund paid by all units as a whole, which is paid without personal account. The overall fund payment refers to the use of funds from the overall account to pay the medical expenses related to the insured. The use of the overall fund payment should comply with local insurance policies, including hospital doctors, medical institutions, reimbursement scope, payment line and proportion. Do not meet the relevant policies and regulations, the overall fund will not be paid, and the expenses can only be borne by individuals.
Each risk is a separately managed fund, that is, each risk is a separately managed fund. The medical insurance fund belongs to the insured, and the fund is earmarked, and no unit or individual may misappropriate it. The overall fund is mainly used for medical expenses such as hospitalization of insured persons, first aid in non-designated hospitals, transfer from different places (hospitals), resettlement in different places, and special disease clinics.
Fund sales payment institutions and fund payment are completely different. Whether a general payment institution can engage in fund sales depends on the following conditions:
1, with an efficient and safe payment business information system and an effective anti-risk system;
2. It is in good financial condition and stable in operation, and has obtained the qualification of fund sales business;
3. Establish a perfect fund settlement process and a clear anti-money laundering internal control system;
4. Meet the relevant requirements of China Securities Regulatory Commission on fund sales settlement fund management and other conditions stipulated by China Securities Regulatory Commission.