Generally speaking, the day or the second working day of the money fund, the third working day of the bond fund, the fourth working day of the stock fund, and the QDII fund with more than one week. In case of huge redemption, it takes longer than the above time.
Fund classification:
Funds can be divided into currency type, bond type and stock type according to investment objects. Money market funds refer to funds whose assets are only invested in money market instruments, bond funds refer to funds whose assets are more than 80% invested in bonds, and stock funds refer to funds whose assets are more than 60% invested in stocks. Relatively speaking, stock funds have the highest risk, followed by bond funds, and money market funds have the lowest risk and the lowest return.
The income of the investment fund definitely exceeds the bank interest rate, but the investment will be risky, but so far, the fund has not lost any money, which is an ideal investment method.