Expected rate of return Generally speaking, the risk of stocks is much greater than that of funds. The greater the risk, the greater the possibility of obtaining higher returns. Those who pursue stable income should choose the fund if they are only faced with these two choices. ?
Avoid risks. Risk aversion is a characteristic that a person prefers when taking risks. It can be used to measure people's willingness to pay to reduce the risks they face. In the process of weighing the costs and benefits of reducing risks, risk averse people tend to make low-risk choices at the same cost.
The ups and downs of the stock market and stocks do not rule out the possibility that investors will face huge losses. A person who is extremely risk-averse should not choose to invest in stocks.
Stand still. If as an investor, there is little time to make a market, then generally speaking, it is not suitable for stock investment. Investment fund products will be a better choice. ?
Interest. As a place to buy and sell securities on the surface, the stock market is actually a battlefield of human nature, self-struggle and game with others. It is by no means a place to "collect money", and only the participants have experienced it themselves can they have a deep understanding. Therefore, interest in "stock trading" is also an important reference factor before entering the stock market.