Deviation rate = (closing price of the day -n daily moving average price) ÷n daily moving average price × 100%. Where n days are determined according to the selected moving average days. As can be seen from the calculation formula, when the stock price is above the moving average, it is called positive deviation rate, and vice versa. When the stock price coincides with the moving average, the deviation rate is zero.
Deviation rate is a percentage, indicating the degree of deviation between price and MA (gap rate). Generally speaking, the greater the deviation rate, the greater the increase of stock price relative to MA.
The China Banking Regulatory Commission, the Ministry of Finance and banks jointly issued the Notice on Strengthening the Management of Deposit Deviation of Commercial Banks, which clearly set the deposit deviation index of commercial banks and stipulated that the deposit deviation of commercial banks at the end of the month should not exceed 3%. In order to curb the "rush time" behavior of banking financial institutions to pull deposits, regulators plan to introduce deposit deviation supervision indicators.