Ordinary multiple choice questions:
Ordinary multiple-choice questions are the most common multiple-choice questions in the exam, and the investigation is relatively simple.
Comprehensive multiple choice questions:
First, four alternatives, I, II, III and IV, are given, and then these four alternatives are arranged and combined to form four options, A, B, C and D, for candidates to choose from.
Multiple choice questions for comprehensive materials:
Generally, I will inform a material in advance and answer the following three small questions according to the material. Small questions can be ordinary multiple-choice questions or combined multiple-choice questions.
The amount of questions in the fund qualification examination
The examination questions of fund qualification examination are all multiple-choice questions, and the number of questions in each subject is 100. The score of each question is 1, the total score is 100, and 60 is the qualified line.
Subject of fund qualification examination
Subject 1: fund laws and regulations, professional ethics and business norms;
Subject 2: Basic knowledge of securities investment funds;
Subject 3: Basic knowledge of private equity investment funds.
Among them, subject 1 is an examination subject, and subject 2 and subject 3 are optional subjects.
Free access to learning materials and knowledge maps of fund qualification: /jjcy/xxzl/n237.html? fcode=h 1000026
What is the role of each?