On the surface, share repurchase trust belongs to equity investment trust, but in essence it is a structural trust financing arrangement. Before investing in trust funds in the form of equity investment, the trust and investment company will sign an equity repurchase agreement with the fund demander. Within the specified period (usually at the termination of the trust plan), the users of the trust funds or their affiliated companies and other third parties designated by them will promise to buy back all the shares held by the trust company with the trust funds at a certain premium ratio, thus ensuring the return of the trustor's trust property and the realization of trust income. In 2009, the equity+repurchase trust has been suspended. At present, the mode of equity income+repurchase is widely adopted.
Direct loan belongs to creditor's rights in nature, and loan is a form of credit activity that banks or other financial institutions lend monetary funds at a certain interest rate and must return them.