Nobel Prize Winner in Economics -----K.J. Corot, P.A. Samuelson, Simon
Experts in economic theory -----David Ricardo
The businessman who has controlled the world gold market and the lifeline of the European economy for 200 years------Rothschild family: Old Rothschild----- Nissan Rothschild
The first billionaire in the capitalist world, the oil giant Mobil Company------Rockefeller
The monopoly chaebol-----Morgan
Red capitalist--Hammer successfully exploited oil in Libya
American railroad king-------Kun Loeb
Wall Street boss -------He Xiha
The founder of jeans-------Levi Strauss
Wall Street financial king------ Andre Meyer
Founder of the Anglo-Dutch Shell Company -------Marcus Samuel
Max Spencer, the largest department store in the UK Founder------Max
Founder of the world's largest advertising agency Saatchi Company-----Saatchi Brothers: Charles Morris
American tycoon- -----Baruch
American banker------Lehman Brothers
Pioneer of American chain stores----Lubin
Founder of "Playboy" magazine------Hefola
The richest man in the Far East--Sassoon and his Sassoon multinational group.
The richest man in South Africa , once the richest man in South Africa - Banat
The right-wing revisionist leader before the founding of the state of Israel - Jabotinsky
Zionist, social Islist---Berlekazen Nelson
Founder of the Jewish Foundation------Manahem Yuskin