38. What are academic fraud and plagiarism? Generally speaking, what are the forms of plagiarism? How is plagiarism defined by the squadron of judicial practice? What is the difference between plagiarism and references?
39. Brief answer: The connotation of the three retrieval tools SCI, Ei and ISTP.
32. what are the personalized services provided by ebsco? What operating procedures do readers need before using personalized services?
a: MyEBSCOhos, a personalized service function, enables readers to save retrieval results, retrieval history, special express service, periodical express service and personal web page design in my folder for centralized processing.
before using the MyEBSCOhos function, readers should register to obtain a group of personal user names and passwords. The specific operation method is: click the Sign in to My EBSCOhos button, select "Im a new user", and fill in the user name, email address, freely selected login user name and password, and the answers to questions when retrieving the password in the pop-up registration page. Click the "Submit" button to register. If the registration is successful, the system will display the user name in the pop-up sing in page, and click the ok button to return to the initial login interface of MyEBSCOhos. At this time, if a yellow pattern appears in MyEBSCOhos, the login is completed. The functions of "secret question" and "secret answer" are used by the system to prevent readers from forgetting their users and passwords. When a user forgets an individual user or password, click "I forgot my password" or "I forgot y user name and password" and fill in the relevant information, the system will display the user password or automatically send the user name and password to the user through the fuel tank.
33. Characteristics and types of network resources and functions of search engines.
a: the characteristics of network information resources are: huge quantity and rapid growth; Rich in content and diverse in forms; Frequent changes and different values; The structure is complex and widely distributed; Information is scattered, disordered, etc.
(1) According to the way of human information exchange, it can be divided into informal publishing information, semi-informal publications and official publications.
(2) From the perspective of network information retrieval, the classification of network information by information query can be divided into Internet information, ftp information, telnet information, USENET/Newsgroup information resources, ustserv/mailing list information and gopher information.
(3) According to information access methods, it can be divided into mailbox type, bulletin board type, broadcast type, library type and bibliography type.
(4) According to the organizational form, network information resources can be divided into the following three types: file type, database type and hypermedia type.
(5) According to timeliness, network information resources can be divided into dynamic information, electronic newspapers, electronic periodicals, electronic books, online collections and online databases.
(6) According to the media form of information, it can be divided into text information, hypertext information and multimedia information.
(7) According to the network information service mode, it can be divided into website information, newsgroup information, forum information and file service information.
(8) According to the information format, it is divided into: HTML,TXT,DOC,PD,RM,MP3.
Search engine function; With the explosive development of the Internet, ordinary network users are simply looking for a needle in a haystack to find all the information they need. At this time, professional search websites have emerged to meet the needs of public information retrieval.
35. Methods for judging the advancement, reliability and applicability of literature information.
36. refer to relevant documents and write the annotation format of "standard documents, patent documents, dissertations and research reports" as reference documents.
standard literature:
It depends on the length of your quotation. If you quote a complete article, write the quotation before marking it. If you discuss it in several paragraphs, mark it separately ~
At the same time, Mark the description format of common references: the format of references should be in accordance with national standards (GB/T7714-25) (international standards) or the format of editorial department of publishing house
1 Journal
[ serial number] Author. Title [J]. Publication name, publication year, volume number (issue number): page number
. 22 (3): 55-6
[ 2] Mo Shaoqiang. Design and Research of Digital Chinese Full-text Document Format [J]. journal of the china society for scientific and technical information, 1999,18 (4): 1-6
2 Books
[serial number] Author. Title [m]. Version (first edition. Wei Li et al. Building CRM-oriented data mining applications [M]. Beijing: People's Posts and Telecommunications Publishing House, 21:23-252
[ 2 ] Slowinski R. Intelligent decision support : handbook of applications and advances of
rough set theoryM. Netherland :Kluwer Acad emic Publishers , 1992
3 Dissertation
[ serial number] author. Title [D]. Preservation place: storage unit, year
[1] Sun Yuwen. Study on Chinese tone sandhi word formation [D]. Beijing: Peking University Publishing House, 2.
[2] Zhang Zhusheng. Differential semi-dynamic system. 1983
4 newspaper
[ serial number] author. Title [N]. Newspaper name, publication year-month-day (number of editions)
[1] Fu Gang, Zhao Cheng, Li Jialu. Thinking after the sandstorm [n]. Beijing Youth Daily, 2-4-12 Publication year
[ 1] Kyung Moon NHO. Automatic Landing System Design Using Fulogic [r]. AIAA-98-4484, 1998
6 International or national standards
[serial number] standard number, standard name [s]
[8] GB/T16159. Basic rules of orthography of Chinese phonetic alphabet [s]. Beijing: China Standard Publishing House, 1996
7 Patent description format
[serial number] Patent owner. Patent title [p]. Patent country: patent number, publication date
[9] Jiang Xizhou. Preparation scheme of a warm topical medicine [p]. China, 88155. 1989-7-6
8 conference document description format
serial number] conference organizer. Conference (or conference record) name [C]. Place: publisher, publication date
[4] Zhang Zuoguang, Zhang Xiaohong, Zhong Weihong, et al. Tensile behavior analysis of multiphase hybrid fiber composites. See: Zhang Weimin. 1996.41~416
[5] Agrawal R , Imielinski T, Swami A. Mining association rules between sets of items in large databases,Washington ,American, February 15-22, 1993 [c]. Berlin: Springer, C1993
9 Electronic literature
Patent literature:
37. What parts are academic papers generally composed of? What are the writing norms of each part?
1 Introduction
1.1 The purpose of this standard is to unify the writing and editing formats of scientific and technical reports, dissertations and academic papers (hereinafter referred to as reports and papers) and facilitate the collection, storage, processing, processing, retrieval, utilization, communication and dissemination of information systems.
1.2 this standard is applicable to the writing format of reports and papers, including the form composition, title description, writing, editing, printing and publishing.
The reports and papers referred to in this standard can be manuscripts, including handwritten and typed copies and their duplicates; It can also be printed, including papers published in journals or conference proceedings and their preprints, printouts and variants; As a part of the book or a monograph written independently; Microforms and other forms.
1.3 this standard applies in whole or in part to other scientific and technological documents, such as annual reports, brochures, memos, etc., and also to technical files.
2 Definition
2.1 Science and technology report
A science and technology report is a description of the results or progress of a science and technology research or the results of a technology development test and evaluation; Or a document that discusses the present situation and development of a scientific and technological problem.
scientific and technological reports are intended to be submitted to organizations or people who are in charge of research, such as the scientific and technological work authorities or science foundations. In general, scientific and technological reports should provide sufficient information systematically or according to the working process, which can include both positive and negative results and experiences, so that relevant personnel and readers can judge and evaluate them, and put forward amendments to the conclusions and suggestions in the reports.
2.2 Dissertation
Dissertation is an academic paper that shows that the author has achieved creative results or gained new insights in scientific research, and is written with this as the content, and is used as an evaluation when applying for the corresponding degree.
The bachelor's thesis should show that the author has really mastered the basic theory, specialized knowledge and basic skills of this subject, and has the initial ability to engage in scientific research or undertake specialized technical work.
The master's thesis should be able to show that the author has really mastered the solid basic theory and systematic expertise in this subject, and has new views on the research topic, and has the ability to engage in scientific research and independently undertake specialized technical work.
The doctoral thesis should show that the author has mastered a solid and broad basic theory and systematic and in-depth expertise in this subject, and has the ability to engage in scientific research independently, and has made creative achievements in science or special technology.
2.3 academic papers
an academic paper is a scientific record of a certain academic topic with new scientific research achievements or innovative ideas and knowledge in an experimental, theoretical or observational way; Or a scientific summary of the new progress made by applying a known principle to practice, so as to provide reading, exchange or discussion at academic conferences; Or published in academic journals; Or written documents for other purposes.
academic papers should provide new scientific and technological information, and their contents should be found, invented, created and advanced, instead of repeating, imitating and copying the work of predecessors.
3 writing requirements
Chinese manuscripts of reports and papers must be written or typed on one side of white manuscript paper; Foreign manuscripts must be typed. You can use an indelible copy.
Reports and papers should use A4(21 mm×297 mm) standard white paper, which should be convenient for reading, copying and shooting micro-reproduction. When writing, scanning or printing reports and papers, it is required to leave enough blank edges around the paper for binding, copying and reader's annotation. The upper side (ceiling) and the left side (seam allowance) of each surface shall be reserved for more than 25 mm respectively, and the lower side (anchor) and the right side (incision) shall be reserved for more than 2 mm respectively.
4 format of writing
1. The numbering of reports, articles and articles refers to the relevant provisions of Chapter 8 "Arrangement of Standard Articles" of GB1.1 "Basic Provisions for Standard Writing of Standardization Work Guidelines", and adopts Arabic numerals for grading numbering.
2. synthesis of reports and papers
5 front part
5.1 cover
5.1.1 cover is the outer surface of reports and papers, which provides due information and plays a protective role.
the cover is not essential. Academic papers, if used as a part of periodicals, books or other publications, do not need a cover;
if it is used as a preprint, printout and other singles, it can have a cover.
5.1.2 The cover may include the following contents:
A. The classification number shall be indicated in the upper left corner to facilitate information exchange and processing. Generally, the category number of China Library and Information Law should be indicated, and the category number of UDC should be indicated as far as possible.
B. the unit number is generally marked in the upper right corner. Academic papers are unnecessary.
C. depending on the contents of reports and papers, according to the confidentiality regulations stipulated by the state, indicate the classification in the upper right corner. If it is a public offering, it is not classified.
D. Title and subtitle or title of fascicle are marked in large letters in an obvious position.
e. if the serial number and name of the volume, volume and chapter are Quan Yi volumes, this item is not required.
F. versions such as draft, first draft, revised version, ... etc. If it is the first edition, this item is not required.
g, the name of the responsible person includes the author of the report and thesis, the tutor, reviewer, chairman of the defense Committee and the degree-granting unit. If necessary, the position, professional title, degree, name and address of the individual responsible person may be indicated; If the responsible person is a unit, group or group, the full name and address shall be stated.
The individual authors who sign their names on the cover and title page, or in front of the text of academic papers, are limited to those who have chosen research topics and made research plans, directly participated in all or most of the research work and made major contributions, and participated in writing papers and are responsible for the content, and ranked according to their contributions. As for the collaborators who participate in some work, the workers who are responsible for specific events according to the research plan, the undertaker of a certain test, and the auxiliary personnel who are entrusted to carry out analysis, inspection and observation, etc., they are not included. These people can be included in the thank-you section one by one as people who participate in the work, or listed in the footnote.
if it is necessary to attach hanyu pinyin to the name of the responsible person, it must comply with the state regulations, that is, the surname comes before the first name, and the first name is connected as one word, without hyphenation or abbreviation.
H. The degree level applied for shall be marked according to the name stipulated in the Interim Measures for the Implementation of the Regulations on Academic Degrees of the People's Republic of China.
i. Professional name refers to the name of the major of the author of the dissertation.
J. the date of work completion includes the date of submission of reports and papers, the date of defense of dissertations, the date of awarding degrees, and the date of receipt by the publishing department (if necessary).