How to cancel Alipay Nuoan Fund?
There are two ways for users to cancel Alipay Nuoan Fund. One is to replace Nuoan Fund with other fund products, and the other is to close Yu 'ebao directly.
1 Replace Nuoan Fund with other fund products: after entering the Alipay balance treasure page, click "……" in the upper right corner and select "Fund Details" to enter the currently held fund page; Then click "View more products" below, find the fund to be replaced in the column of "Select replacement products", and select "Confirm replacement". After entering the password for verification, you can cancel the original Nuoan Fund.
2 Close Yu 'ebao: Yu 'ebao cannot be completely closed, but users can turn off the automatic transfer-in function of Yu 'ebao through Yu 'ebao settings first, and then transfer all the funds in Yu 'ebao account.
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