Address/soft/03134.htm 1. Provide timely and comprehensive latest fund net value, with a friendly and user-friendly display interface 2. Intuitive and concise fund net value curve chart, the net value trend is clear at a glance 3. Fund news is released in real time, and all kinds of reports are available.
Portfolio analysis helps you understand in detail the investment trends of the fund companies you are concerned about.
4. Detailed fund performance chart analysis helps you intuitively understand the past investment performance of each fund company and helps you find the best fund company.
5. The flexible keyboard wizard makes it easy for you to vaguely query the information of each fund. It doesn’t matter if you can’t remember the fund code.
6. The powerful account management function facilitates you to manage your fund trading information, and the investment income is clear at a glance.
7. All data is stored in a local database, effectively protecting personal investment privacy, making it safe, convenient and efficient.
The new holdings of Wang Yawei, the first generation "fund brother", were exposed. Will the past of bull stocks happen again?