a trust is a credit trust, and its object can be a bank, an individual or a company.
Trust means trust. It refers to the act of managing, managing and handling an economic affairs on behalf of others. Trust business handled by banks is a banking business conducted as an intermediary, which can be classified as intermediary business.
In the trust business, the people who own the trust property are usually called the trustors. They entrust the property to others for management and disposal for a certain purpose. A trustee is a person who accepts the trustee's request and manages and disposes of the trust property according to the contract. When the client entrusts the property to the trustee for management and disposal, both parties need to sign a contract or agreement, which is called trust behavior. Income will be generated through trust activities, and those who enjoy trust income are the beneficiaries, who may be the trustor himself or a third party. The economic relationship among the trustor, the trustee and the beneficiary around the trust property is called trust relationship.
the types of trust can be divided in many ways according to different trust objects, purposes and business contents. According to the object, it can be divided into personal trust and legal person trust; Divided into profit trust and non-profit trust according to purpose; According to the beneficiaries, it is divided into self-interest entrustment and other interest entrustment; According to the scope of trust benefits, it can be divided into public trust and private trust; According to the content of trust business, it can be divided into fund trust and non-fund trust; According to the basis of trust behavior, it can be divided into free trust and legal trust; According to the area and scope of trust business, it can be divided into domestic trust and international trust; According to the nature of trust affairs, it is divided into civil trust and commercial trust.
As an intermediary business of a bank, trust has three functions:
Financial function. Because trust focuses on raising funds and financing, financing through trust is also an important financing method.
financial management function. Because the generation of trust begins with financial management. The so-called financial management means that the trust institution accepts the entrustment of the property owner to manage and handle the property for it. As far as the business handled by bank trust departments in China is concerned, they all have financial management functions.
credit service function. As an intermediary business of banks, trust can provide rich credit services to legal persons and organizations according to actual needs.
At present, the trust businesses operated by Chinese banks are:
Trust deposits. Refers to the funds that enterprises, units or individuals can use independently, deposit them in trust institutions, and entrust the trust institutions to use them on their behalf, but do not specify the object and purpose of use.
trust loan. It is a kind of trust business in which trust institutions provide funds to enterprises by means of loans with absorbed general trust deposits and part of their own funds, and interest is charged.
trust investment. The investment made by a trust institution directly to an enterprise as an investor. The sources of trust investment are the trust institution's own funds and long-term stable trust deposits.
property trust. The trust institution accepts the entrustment of the entrusting unit and sells or rents the property to the designated or unspecified units.
entrusted loan. According to the requirements of the entrusting unit, the trust institution uses the loan fund deposited in advance by the entrusting unit to issue loans according to the objects and purposes specified by the entrusting unit.
entrusted investment. The trustor deposits the funds to be invested in the trust institution and entrusts it to invest in the designated enterprise or project, and the trust institution supervises the management and income distribution of the enterprise on its behalf.