lat currency is not domestic currency.
the full English name of LAT currency is PlatON, which was launched on February 12th, 221, with a circulation of 1,,,LAT. LAT coin is a platform token initiated by PlatON Network. PlatON was initiated and developed by LatticeX Foundation. Based on the basic attributes of blockchain and supported by private computing network, Platon provides the next generation Internet basic protocol with "computing interoperability" as its core feature. PlatON has passed the construction of a computing system consisting of a series of cryptographic algorithms and blockchain technologies, such as verifiable computing, secure multi-party computing, zero-knowledge proof, homomorphic encryption, etc. Providers and various organizations, communities and individuals with computing needs provide public infrastructure under the open source architecture. PlatON focuses on providing a data asset+algorithm model+computing power trading platform, combining privacy computing based on cryptography and blockchain technology to realize the free circulation of data assets on a global scale.