In the last year, the overall scale growth of Penghua Power was higher than that of similar funds; Dividend style performance is medium. In terms of risk-return ratio, the fund's investment income is medium and the investment risk is high.
In the fund's net asset value, the proportion of investment in stock assets is very heavy. Penghua Power Growth Fund Manager has strong comprehensive management ability and good stability. In the choice of fund investment objects, I prefer to invest in stocks with medium market value, which has high growth. The concentration of the fund's heavyweight stocks is low, and the concentration of the industries to which the stocks belong is average.
Judging from the overall management level of the fund company to which the fund belongs, the overall income of the fund under the fund management company is less than the average overall income of other fund companies, the income difference is equal to the average level, and the overall risk level is higher than the average level.
So I suggest you wait and see for a while before deciding whether to buy the fund.
As for Yin Hua 88, it is a stock fund, which has increased by more than 30% since 2009. However, it should be noted that stock funds have followed suit, because the market index has risen a lot. . If you can take certain risks and are optimistic about the market outlook, you can choose to buy.