We will not discuss the formal meaning of management. Articles and books in this category are as abundant as the sea. Now let’s look at the special meaning of management: 1. Prestige is the character of management.
Prestige refers to "prestige" and "trust". From this perspective, management must not only have dignity, but also credibility, so it is very important to shape one's own credibility while shaping one's own dignified management; 2. Tools are
Management physique.
People need to be physically fit for a better life, and management also needs to be physically fit for efficiency.
Mastering many management tools, such as ABC rule, 28 theory, barrel principle, Peter principle, SMART characteristics, SWOT analysis, PDCA, value analysis, Six Sigma management method, BSC, KPI, etc., is to improve the "physique" of management.
; 3. Intention is the soul of management.
Attitude determines everything. If you often think about your own small interests in management work, it is impossible to enter the high realm of management. Therefore, working to exert your own value and working for high salary are two realms of thinking. Therefore, be careful
Focused management is the soul of management; 4. Practice is the limbs of management.
It is almost impossible to always want to sit in the office and complete the work. While fully understanding your own role, organically combining the learned management knowledge with practice is the limb of management work. Without practice, it is impossible to be practical.
When it comes to management in practice, management is just a "walking zombie".