The 2021 Shuangseqiu 92 lottery numbers are 02, 07, 08, 10, 12, 31, and the blue number is 03.
When Shuangseqiu's current bonus and prize pool funds are insufficient to redeem the current winning prize, the adjustment fund will make up for it. When the adjustment fund is insufficient, the lottery prize redemption revolving fund will be used to advance the payment.
In the event of an advance of lottery prize redemption working capital, the advanced lottery prize redemption working capital will be repaid first when funds are rolled in from the adjustment fund.
During each draw of Shuangseqiu, after the notary seals the sales data, and under his supervision, the lottery numbers are determined through the lottery machine.
During the lottery, 6 red ball numbers will be drawn first, and then 1 blue ball number will be drawn.
Other provisions of Shuangseqiu.
The adjustment fund includes the withdrawal portion of 2% of total sales, overdue tickets that have not been refunded, and the balance of floating bonuses rounded to the nearest dollar.
The adjustment fund is used to cover the risk of unforeseen bonus payouts and to establish special awards.
When the single bet bonus of the first prize is lower than the single bet bonus of the second prize, the total prize money of the first prize and the second prize will be added up and divided equally between the first and second prize winners according to their bets; when
When the single bet bonus for the second prize is less than twice the single bet bonus for the third prize, the adjustment fund will supplement the single bet bonus for the second prize to twice the single bet bonus for the third prize.