2. For investors who buy at one time, they can choose to increase their positions at this time, or they can choose to clear their positions at this time to prevent the net value of the fund from falling again in the middle and late period, causing huge losses.
When adding positions, investors should effectively control their positions, buy by stages, and reserve enough assets to solve the risk that the net value of the fund may fall in the middle and late period. In short, investors should adjust their investment strategies in combination with personal investment preferences, market trends and other factors when the net value of funds continues to decline. The above is the relevant content of how to operate when the fund falls for several days in a row.
How much does the fund fall before it stops?
Each investor's expected investment profit, property and affordability are different, so it is difficult to give investors an exact reference answer. It is possible that investors sold the fund today and rose back in two days. It is possible that investors bought funds and then kept falling. How much the fund falls depends on the investor's own situation. This article mainly talks about how to operate relevant knowledge points when the fund falls for several days in a row. The content is for reference only.