Yu Xiongzi lived in Hainan for four years. In the spring of the first month, this son acceded to the throne, pushing the sea, ze and birds and animals. In summer and June, Gong was ordered to cross the sea and return to the north. Next year, we will sail to Huaizhe. In autumn and July, he fell ill and died of piling. Wu and Yue people cry in the city, while gentlemen hang at home and cry when they smell everywhere. There are hundreds of scholars in imperial academy who lead monks to Huilin Buddhist Temple. Alas, Sven has fallen! After death, I was admired? When people began to get sick, this book was used as a saying: "When I die, I will be buried at the foot of Songshan Mountain, and my son will remember me." Zhe cried with a book and said, "The little boy still remembers my brother!"
My brother Su Yuzhan was banished to Hainan Island. In the first month of the spring of four years, the son of heaven ascended the throne today. He is kind to the world and animals. In summer and June, my brother was ordered to cross the sea and return to the north. The next year, he took a boat to Huaishang and Zhejiang. In autumn and July, he died of piling due to illness. People in wuyue gathered in the market and wept, while local gentlemen paid homage at home. The news of death spread everywhere. Both saints and fools sigh and cry. Hundreds of Thai students went to Huilin Temple to deliver meals to monks. Oh! All the great writers in the world are dead. Who else do young people worship? When my brother first got sick, he wrote to me and told me, "If I die, bury me at the foot of Songshan Mountain and write my epitaph." I took the letter and cried, "How can I bear to write an epitaph for my brother!" " "
Original: Palace taboo stone, surname Su, word Zi Zhan, word Zhong. Meishan, a noble family, was given by Taizi Taibao. From the song dynasty, chasing Mrs. feng. Father taboo order, gift prince division. Yan, pursuing Mrs. Jia Guotai. Test the taboo and give it to the prince. Mr. Cong Cheng, this is Mrs. Guo. After ten years of public life, the first gentleman learned all over the world, and Mrs. Tai gave books in person. Smell the success or failure of ancient and modern times and you can talk about it. Taifuren savored the history of the Eastern Han Dynasty and the biography of Fan Pang, and she was deeply gratified. The public servant said, "If a poet is a pang, will your wife agree?" "Can you be a mother?" Taitai asked. The public is also very diligent and has contemporary aspirations. Taifuren said happily, "I have a son." Compared with the crown, studying the history of classics belongs to a thousand words.
My son's name is Shi, his surname is Su, and his word is Zi Zhan. There is also a word called He Zhong. A native of Meishan, Sichuan, his great-grandfather was named Su Gao, and he was named Prince Taibao by the court. His mother's surname is Song, Mrs. Chang Guotai of posthumous title. Grandfather's name is Su Xu, who was named Prince Taifu by the court, and grandmother's surname is Shi, Mrs. Jia Guotai of posthumous title. His father's name was Su Xun, and he was named Prince Taishi. His mother's name was Cheng, and he was named Mrs. Guo. When Su Shi was ten years old, his father traveled around and his mother taught herself. Knowing the success or failure of ancient and modern times can tell the main points. His mother once read him History of the Eastern Han Dynasty and Biography of Fan Slander, and he felt something and sighed. Su Shi stood by and said, if I become such a person as Fan slander, will my wife be willing? His mother said, you can be such a person, why can't I be such a person? Su Shi tried to make up his mind, and his mother said, I have a good son. As an adult, I can learn to read classics and write thousands of words every day.
Original: In the second year of Jiayou, Ouyang Wenzhong was the top scholar in the public examination, which was strange and thought that he could save him. When handling his affairs, Mei won On Rewards and Punishment to show her loyalty. Wenzhong was overjoyed. He thinks that different people want to be crowned as many scholars, but he suspects that Ceng Zi is a powerful school, while Zi Gu, a disciple of Wenzhong, is inferior to the public. After the Spring and Autumn Annals, righteousness came first, and palace examination was in the second division. I thank the gentleman with a book, and Wen Zhong sees it. In the book, Yu Sheng said, "I should avoid this person and let go." Scholars never tire of hearing it at first, but they believe it for a long time. Ding Furen was so worried that he finally dropped it. In five years, he was awarded the master book of Henan Fuchang. Wen Zhong recommended the Secret Pavilion with outspoken words. Try six theories, the old one is not suitable, it is difficult to write too much, the public begins to have grass, and the meaning is embarrassing. Compare the answers and strategies and go back to the third lesson. In addition to Dali's evaluation, he also signed a book to judge Fengxiang House. The chief officer is an official. I don't blame him for having an official position, but I do my duty with all my heart, and the old official dare not take it. Guan Zhong started to fight Yuan Hao, and the people were poor and hardworking. In the second year, he cut down trees in the south, and he entered the river from Wei. After experiencing the danger of being a pillar, I went bankrupt one after another. Gong repeatedly asked the old school, saying, "That's not the harm of logging. If the river has not risen, the operator will stop at that time, but there will be no heavy price, and he will suffer from the violence of the river. " The public will revise the official regulations so that I can choose my own water conservancy before I go, and it is safe to cut it. It is said that in the government, this has halved the damage of family members. After two years of making peace, he returned to the court and was sentenced to smell the drums. Yingzong is famous in San Francisco and wants to call Hanlin with the story of the Tang Dynasty. The prime minister wanted to call into the secret cabinet and said, "I wonder if he can have a try, like Su Shi?" The prime minister still won't allow it. If you try the second theory, you will all enter the third class and go straight to the history museum. write a letter
In the second year of Jiayou, Ouyang Xiu presided over the Jinshi examination of the Ministry of Rites, disgusted with the flashy writing style at that time, and tried to change this situation. May Yu Sheng was involved in this bull incident. He got "On Rewards and Punishment" written by my brother and showed it to Ouyang Xiu. Ouyang Xiu was overjoyed and thought that he was a wizard, and he planned to take him as the first among many scholars. I once thought it was written by Zi Gu, a student of Wenzhong, so I rated Su Shi as the second. Later, he won the first prize with the article "On the Spring and Autumn Meaning" and took part in palace examination, the second subject. Wen Zhong read the examiner's letter and wrote to Yu Sheng, saying, "I want to avoid this man and give up this land." The listener is not tired, and it takes a long time to be persuaded. Ding Furen was heartbroken and eventually died. In five years, he won the master book of Fuchang, Henan Province. Li Wenzhong recommended the secret pavilion for his outspoken views. Experiment 6, there was no drafting study in the past, so the article was not good enough. You started drafting, and it was clear-cut. At that time, it was considered difficult. Answer the control strategy and then enter the third class. Judge of Dali, signed the book Fengxiang House. If an officer intends to document people without criticism, and you do your duty wholeheartedly, the old officer will be afraid. Guan Zhong started to fight Yuan Hao, and the people were poor and hardworking. What about Nanshan wood next year? Attack, from Weishui into the Yellow River, through the danger of a pillar of heaven, I went bankrupt one after another. Duke Jing of Jin asked about the old school and said, "The harm of logging would not have been like this. If the Yellow River and Weihe River have not risen, what about Cao Cao? Loggers stop on time, but they don't have to spend too much. They are worried that many disasters will occur while the Yellow River and Weihe River are flooding. " You just set the official rules and let you choose your own water conservancy and logging before you go. So I registered with the government, and since then, my injury before the official has been reduced by half. After two years of peacekeeping, he returned and was sentenced to Deng Wengu College. Yingzong heard about public names in other places and wanted to invite the old examples of the Tang Dynasty to Hanlin. The Prime Minister restricted the use of recent examples and wanted to call secret kiosks. He said, "I wonder if they can try it, like Su Shi?" The prime minister still can't do it. Wait until the second theoretical exam, all of them will enter the third class and go straight to the history museum.
Original: Pass the sentence to Hangzhou. At that time, the four sides were engaged in young crops, which were free and easy to market, and western Zhejiang was also engaged in water conservancy and salt law. In the meantime, often because the law is convenient for the people, the people's dependence on it is less secure. Korean Tribute, Lingmi County. Escort envoys are all from their own places, arrogant and arrogant, and even have to take care of the ceremony. The minister said, "I admire Wen from afar, and I will obey him. Now I am violent. If you don't guide me, I'm wrong. I don't want to play. " The escort is afraid and small. The messenger sent money to officials, and the book was called Jiazi. The official said: "North Korea is a vassal in this dynasty, but I dare not accept it!" "Angel urgent change book said ning, and then accept it. I think it's appropriate. Officials and people are afraid of love, and when they stop, they are called bachelors, not surnames.
Ren is the secretariat of Hangzhou. My brother often adapts to the laws there to facilitate the people, so the people can settle down a little. Tribute envoys despise and bully state and county officials, and the envoys who receive and accompany them are arrogant and overbearing until they contradict their superiors. My brother sent someone to say to them, "Foreigners yearn for enlightenment and come to our country. Modesty and obedience make sense. Now (Korean ambassadors) are so indulgent. They wouldn't have come here if you hadn't induced them. If you don't repent, we will report it to the court. " The people who received and accompanied you were afraid, so they restrained themselves a little. The officials are convinced and the people love him. When my brother leaves office, he is called a bachelor, not a surname.
I moved from Hangzhou to Mizhou. At that time, the law was manual, making people confused about property liquidation and so on. Make people accuse it of being untrue. Sinong Temple has gone down again, and people who practice from time to time are considered to be in violation of the system. The public said that Chang Ping was promoted, and said, "Who dares not be embarrassed when he comes from the imperial court and sits against the rules?" Today, I am a farmer, and I am good at making laws. What? "The angel was surprised and said," the ancient gong xu know. "After a period of time, the court also knew the harm of hands, so it stopped. Secret people think they are lucky. The county tried to steal hair, but it didn't work. In order to appease the worries of the transshipment department, it sent one or two envoys to lead thousands of fierce soldiers to arrest in China. Soldiers are violent and wanton, slandering people with forbidden things, fighting at home, even killing people, fearing sin and being shocked, and wanting chaos. People complain, vote on their books, ignore them, and say, "things won't come to this." "It is not safe to hear the news of the collapse. Make people confess and kill them.
Su Shi was transferred from Hangzhou to Mizhou. As soon as they arrive, the law will be implemented immediately, so that the people can disperse their property according to a certain number of households, and the people can also sue in places where the law has not really been realized. The farmer ordered the implementation of the new law, and those who fail to implement it on time will be treated as violating the system. Su Shi often said about promotion: "If the punishment for violating the system comes from the imperial court, who dares not listen?" Now that the order comes from the four peasants, it is to make laws without authorization. "The official said in fear," please don't pursue this matter for the time being. "Soon, the court knew that this law was harmful to the people, so it was abolished. Michigan people are privately thankful for this. There was a theft in the county, but it was not solved. In order to appease the transshipment department, it was very worried and sent a special envoy with thousands of tough soldiers to catch it there. Soldiers are cruel and wanton, framing people with prohibited items, entering people's homes to fight, and finally killing people, fearing punishment and fleeing hastily, trying to create panic. The people sued the court for this and wrote an article publicly, but the court turned a blind eye and replied, "Never do this." The fleeing foot soldiers all breathed a sigh of relief at the news. Su Shi slowly sent people to attract them out and kill them.
Original: From secret to Xu. By the end of the year, the river will definitely burst its banks in Caocun, flood the water margin and overflow the South Qinghe River. Surrounded by two mountains south of the city, Lvliang and Baibu meet at the gate, rising and falling. The city will fail, and the rich will try their best to avoid water. Gong said, "If the people are rich and their hearts are shaken, who will defend them? I am here, and water must not defeat the city. " Drive back. Riding a stick, the official went into Wu Wei's camp and asked his commander to say, "The river will harm the city, which is urgent. Although the army is forbidden, you must do your best for me. " The commander of the pawn called, "I must be careful not to scribble, and the villain Qiu Lai will serve." Hold a hammer into the fire and lead a short-sleeved disciple out with a cup. Building southeast long dike, the first circus, the end point belongs to the city. When the dike is built, the water will reach the bottom of the dike, which is not as harmful as the city, and the people's hearts are safe. However, it rained day and night, and the river became more and more violent. The city is not heavy. The official residence is in the city, not at home, so that officials are blocked and guarded, and the sound of death in the city is endless. Please call your husband and build an ancient city as a wooden shore so that the court can take care of the water when it comes again. Many people have been thinking about it so far.
My brother was transferred from Michigan to Xuzhou. At this time, the Yellow River burst Cao Cun, and the wall of Xuzhou was about to be destroyed. Rich citizens scrambled to leave the city to avoid the flood. My brother said, "If the rich people flee and the people are shaken, who will defend the city with me?" I am here, and the flood will never destroy the wall. "And the rich citizens back to the city. My brother is wearing sandals and carrying crutches. He personally ran to Wuwei camp, called their commander loudly and said to him, "The river will destroy the city wall, and the situation is urgent. Although you are forbidden, you should try your best to fight the disaster for me. " The commander shouted, "The prefect is not afraid of floods. It's time for us people to put our heads down and serve. "He took a stick into the team, led his men to wear short clothes, barefoot, took a dustpan and shovel out of the camp, robbed the southeast long beach, and started from the circus, connecting the tail with the city wall. When the long dike was built, the flood was submerged under the dike, but it did not destroy the city wall and the people's hearts were stable. However, it rained day and night, and the river surged. Only the wall with three boards was not submerged. My brother lives in the city and doesn't go into the house. Officials were sent to guard the city wall, and finally the city was saved, and this matter was reported to the court. My brother also asked for the transfer of labor to build the old city in the coming year in case the flood strikes again. The court granted my brother's request. After the flood, the emperor wrote to praise him, and Xuzhou people still miss him.
I moved to Huzhou to thank you. The spokesman thought his words were libel and sent officials to monitor the prison. At the beginning, the public made up for it, and when they saw something inconvenient for ordinary people, they dared not speak or watch it silently. Because of the poet's righteousness, they satirized things and made up for the country. The speaker is embarrassed and the media is guilty. It was too thin at first, but it penetrated. This is even the last resort. If you pay the jailer, you will want to die. After a long exercise, you won't decide. Finally, pity it, upgrade the prison, and arrange its deputy envoy with Huangzhou Yingyong. Male towel awn, along with Tian Fu and the old man, built a room in Dongpo in the valley, calling himself Dongpo lay man. Within five years, the world intends to reuse it, but the speaker is caught in it. When he moved to Ruzhou, he briefly said: "Su Shi is a loner and deeply educated. His talent is really hard to reach and he can't bear to give up." Before I arrived, I wrote to myself that I was worried about hunger and cold. I had a field to live in, and I would like to live there. Books are published in the morning and can be reported at night. Scholar-officials all know that the soldiers in the world are like men. Can drive, but don't reuse.
Su Shi expressed his gratitude for being transferred to Huzhou. Because some things were inconvenient for the people, but they were afraid to say it, he wrote poems with fables in the hope of benefiting the country. Yushi, Shu ... and He Chen Zheng copied the words on Su Shi's thank-you table, framed Su Shi's poems as slander to the court, arrested Su Shi, and escorted the capital to Yushitai prison to kill him. Luo Zhi's accusation has been undecided for a long time. Only Zongshen pitied Su Shi and compared him with Deputy Special Envoy of Huangzhou Yingyong. Su Shi and his hometown elders walked hand in hand between mountains and rivers. He built a house in Dongpo, calling himself "Dongpo Jushi". In the fifth year of Yuanfeng, Zongshen thought of using Su Shi several times, but he was stopped by the minister of the DPRK. Zong Shen once said to Prime Ministers Wang Guigui and Cai Que, "National history is very important, so you can ask Su Shi to write it." Wang is reluctant. Zong Shen said: "Su Shi is not available, use Ceng Gong." When Ceng Gong entered the General Theory of Mao Zedong, he was not satisfied with the meaning of Shenzong, so he wrote a letter and transferred Su Shi to Ruzhou. The letter said: "Su Shi reflected on his mistakes during his relegation. After a year, he has become more profound. His talents are really hard to get, and he can't bear to abandon them all the time. " Before Su Shi arrived in Ruzhou, he wrote that he was hungry, cold and poor, and had fields in Changzhou, hoping to live in Changzhou. In the morning, the emperor replied at night.
Zhong Jian Guo Jingyuan in June, please get old and become an official, so I can't afford it. At the end of ten days, he stood aside with all the people and said, "I have no evil in my life, and I will not fall when I die." Be careful not to cry. "Asked about the future, but did not answer, Zhan Ran died in July, Ding Hai also.
In June of Jingnian, Jianzhong invited the old man as an official, but he didn't get up. Ten days before my death, I waited on many children alone and said, "I will never do evil in my life, and I will not fall into reincarnation after my death." You can't cry for my death. "I asked him how he was after his death, but I didn't answer. He died happily on Dinghai Day in July.
Original: The public marries the king and pursues the title of the county king. Following the room with his female brother, sealing Tongan county jun, also died first. The third son, Long Yuemai, is an anti-pushing officer in Xiongzhou, and knows Hejian County. The second time, the second time, you are all responsible. There are six grandchildren, namely Fu, Fu, Ji, Fu, Fu and Ugly.
Su Shi married the king and was made king of the county. His daughter and brother inherited his room, and he was named An Junjun. There are three sons, the eldest is Mai, who is the defense officer of Xiongzhou and knows the county seat of Hejian. The second is famous, and the third is old. They are all Chengwulang. There are six grandchildren named Fu, Fu, Ji, Fu, Fu and Ugly.
Gui You will be buried in Shangrili, Diaotai Township, Tancheng County, Ruzhou next year.
Next June, I will be buried in Shangruili, Diaotai Township, Tancheng County, Ruzhou.
What is disclosed in the text is all from the sky. Talking about how to control chaos in ancient and modern times is not empty talk. After watching Zhuangzi, I sighed and said, "I have seen it in China before, but I can't tell it. It is my heart to see Zhuangzi today. " It is the golden mean, subtle and unknown to the ancients. Taste said: "I regard this world, and my only son can listen to me." After Dumen lived in the Yellow River, he lived in a boudoir, galloped in calligraphy, and his words became like a river, but he could not reach it. After reading Shi's book, I have a deep understanding of reality. I am old, and it is okay to argue, but I can't see its limits. My late master read the Book of Changes and played with its images. He got his feelings of hardness, softness, distance, anger and disobedience. Due to the unfinished Yi Zhuan, the reform was not complete, which made him state his ambition. It is also well known that Qi Gong was ordered to write a book, and then the Millennium Whispers. Answer that the Analects of Confucius is the secret of Confucius. Finally, he lived in Hainan and wrote the Book Biography, which revealed the unique knowledge of ancient times, which was beyond the reach of Confucianism. After writing three books, I sighed and said, "You can't trust a gentleman in this life, so you have to know me." As for what he did in difficult times, he remembered poems and wrote books with extraordinary speed. There are forty volumes of Dongpo Collection, twenty volumes of Postscript, fifteen volumes of Shuoshu, ten volumes of Internal System and three volumes of External System. Public poems such as Li and Du, and the evening scenery like Tao Yuanming, have been summed up several times, in four volumes. Young and good books, old and tireless, are not as good as Jin people, but close to the early Tang Dynasty, Xue, Yan and Liu. I have been loyal to my filial friends all my life and have been generous with money. Uncle Taibai died young, his children and grandchildren were not established, Aunt Du was not buried, his late husband was not buried, and there were last words. In addition to mourning, the public also buried the aunt with a ceremony. And the official can make up for it and play uncle's great-grandson Peng again. In people, that's good. If you are afraid of it, you can't blame it. If you are afraid of it, you dare to do it, no matter what harm it does. I am trapped in the world of this number, but I don't hate it. Confucius called Boyi and Shu Qi ancient saints, saying, "What's your complaint about seeking benevolence?" There is something fair and honest.
Translation: the public note is given by heaven. I learned it with my father when I was young. At first, I liked Jia Yi and Lu Zhi's articles, discussing the success or failure of ancient and modern times, and not talking empty words. Later, when I read Zhuangzi, I was deeply touched and said, "I had something on my mind before, but I couldn't say it. Read Zhuangzi today and tell me what I think. " So he wrote "The Doctrine of the Mean", which used subtle words unknown to the ancients. He once said to me, "I think you are the only knowledgeable person today." Later, he was demoted to Huangzhou, studied behind closed doors and passed on literature and ink. When his style of writing changed, the momentum of his article was like a running river, but I couldn't reach it. Later, when he read Buddhist books, he deeply realized that the universe is full of life, eloquence, profound knowledge and boundless. In his later years, his father read Yi, pondered the elephant, and realized the principles of rigidity, softness, distance, anger and rebellion, and then read the hexagrams, all of which were solved. My father wrote Yi Zhuan, but before he finished it, he got seriously ill and let Gong inherit the inheritance. Gong accepted his father's order in tears and finally finished reading the book. Since then, the subtle truth thousands of years ago has been clearly revealed and can be known. He also wrote The Analects of Confucius from time to time to explore the profound truth of Confucius. Finally, in Hainan, I wrote the book Biography, speculating and exploring the grand and unique theories of ancient times, many of which were not done by the former Confucianism. After three books were written, my brother stroked the books and sighed, "If no one can understand me in this life, there must be a gentleman in the future." As for poems, essays, inscriptions, notes, books, essays and essays written with feelings when something happens, they are all beyond others. He is the author of Dongpo Collection (40 volumes), Postscript (20 volumes), Shuoshu 15, Internal System 10 and External System (3 volumes). Gong was originally similar to Li Bai and Du Fu, and he liked Tao Yuanming in his later years. Almost all Shi Tao's poems have works of seeking peace, and Poems of * * * has four volumes. I loved calligraphy when I was young, but I never got tired of it when I was old. I claim to be inferior to the calligraphers in the Jin Dynasty, and Chu, Xue, Yan and Liu in the Tang Dynasty are all similar. Loyalty, filial piety and loyalty all his life, generous to money. Uncle Taibai died young and his descendants were underage. My aunt Du died and was not buried. When my father died, he left his last words. After the expiration of the public funeral, my aunt was buried according to the etiquette. When he was able to demand an official according to the Shade Ordinance, he also asked his uncle's great-grandson Su Peng to attack him. He treats people, praises when he sees something good, and can't wait; If you see something bad, blame it, lest it be incomplete; As long as you see what justice is, do it bravely, whether it hurts or not, so you have been troubled by this world many times, but you never feel sorry. Confucius said that Boyi and Shu Qi were ancient sages, and said, "What do you resent for pursuing goodness?" Justice is like this.
The inscription reads:
Luan city of perilla, Yumei of Xifu. Su Dongpo's ancestral home is Luancheng and his ancestral home is in western Meizhou.
There are hidden virtues in the world, but people don't know them. The Su family has virtue from generation to generation, which the world does not know.
You are the first gentleman, and your name is everywhere. Until brother you became famous all over the world.
Public kindergarten teachers are ignorant, and if they learn well, they will become officials. You have studied with a teacher since childhood, and your knowledge is brilliant.
When you are away, you are loyal. Since he became an official, he has been loyal to the emperor, upright and loyal.
If you are in danger, you will not bow your head. Dangerous things seem normal to you, and you never do them yourself.
Ying Zuzhuo, a textual research on divinity. Excellent ancestors promoted you, and the gods tested you.
This is also well known, but it has not been applied. Although the talent was displayed, the idea was not implemented.
Evening service, into the poetry book. In his later years, he served philosophers and often presented poems and books.
Who is real, who disdains, who is sparse. Who knows that some people have alienated you from the emperor for their own interests.
The public interest is above all else, like jade, burning without ashes. Your heart is like jade, even if it is burned, it will not turn to ashes.
If you don't change your life and death, why go? You are not afraid of life and death, and you see through the court.
There were whispers in ancient times, and many people were deceived. You spoke righteously, and finally returned to the DPRK.
Hand sends its pivot and leans against its end. You were personally in charge of Zhongshu Province.
What is contained in your heart, you will see it when you meet something. Your soul is beautiful, and everything will be reflected.
Sound melts stone, light overflows clouds. What you enter is the words of stone, which illuminates the world.
It is well known that the eyes and ears are connected. And everyone knows that your colleagues are like this.
Want to build it deep, or confuse it. But they are at a loss about their business because of doubt.
If you don't continue to study, if you break the string. Unfortunately, your talent is like a broken string.
A hundred years later, there is no sage. Is there no such talent after you die?
I learned a lesson from it when I was a public servant. I followed you at first because I relied on my wisdom.
Caress me, brother, teach me, teacher. You are my brother who comforts me; You are my mentor, and you taught me.
They all moved to the south, but didn't come back. Now you and I are separated by Yin and Yang, and we can never meet again.
God knows, I don't know. I'm sad. This is unique to God, and no one can know my sadness!