When buying funds, a large number of funds can indeed spread the risk, but it is not the better to hold more funds, because holding more funds can indeed reduce the risk, but when the number is too large, the effectiveness of the multi-fund strategy will rapidly decline, and the overall risk of holding positions cannot be significantly reduced.
Secondly, it takes a lot of time and energy to buy too much, and every investor needs to look after it. Suppose: an investor buys 20 funds, and each fund buys 20 yuan to spread risks, which consumes both time and energy.
Generally speaking, if it is 20,000 yuan, it is more appropriate to buy 2~3 funds, which can not only reduce the risk, but also facilitate the operation of investors, without much time and energy.
When buying a fund, you can buy it in the form of a fund portfolio, that is, buy different types of funds to maximize the income. Fund positions have a classic "stock-debt balance" combination, that is, holding stock funds and bond funds at the same time according to a certain proportion.
If investors want to pursue returns, the ratio of stock bond funds can be 6: 4, and those with low risk tolerance can be reversed to 4: 6. You can also use the form of half shares and half debts, that is, 10000 yuan to buy stock funds and 10000 yuan to buy bond funds. Investors can start from their own needs and choose the one that suits them best.