"(1) More than 80% of the fund assets are invested in stocks as stock-based funds", and the lower limit of the stock investment ratio of eight stock-based securities investment funds under southern fund Management Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "the Company") is less than 80%, which no longer meets the provisions on the stock investment ratio of stock-based funds. After careful evaluation, the Company reached an agreement with the custodians of the above eight funds (see the table below) and reported it to the China Securities Regulatory Commission for the record, and decided not to change the investment scope and portfolio ratio of the above eight funds. According to Article 30 "(5) Investment in stocks, bonds, money market instruments or other fund shares, and the proportion of stock investment, bond investment and fund investment does not meet the provisions of items (1), (2) and (4), it is a mixed fund. From now on, the categories of the above eight funds will be changed into mixed funds, and the relevant provisions of the fund contracts and custody agreements will be revised accordingly.
I. Changes in the name and category of the fund
The original fund name changes the fund type stipulated in the original fund contract, and the fund type changes after the fund name changes.
1 South actively allocates securities investment funds; Stock South actively allocates hybrid securities investment funds.
mixed type
2 Southern high-growth securities investment fund stocks Southern high-growth hybrid securities investment fund hybrid
3 South Excellent Growth Stock Securities Investment Fund Stock Type
South Excellent Growth Hybrid Securities Investment Fund Hybrid
4 Southern Component Selection Stock Securities Investment Fund Stock Southern Component Selection Hybrid Securities Investment Fund Hybrid
Southern Longyuan Industry Theme Stock Securities Investment Fund Stock Southern Longyuan Industry Theme Hybrid Securities Investment Fund Hybrid
6 Southern Shengyuan Bonus Stock Securities Investment Fund Stock Type
Southern Shengyuan dividend hybrid securities investment fund hybrid
7 Southern Preferred Value Stock Securities Investment Fund Stock Southern Preferred Value Hybrid Securities Investment Fund
Southern Strategy Optimization Stock Securities Investment Fund Stock Southern Strategy Optimization Hybrid Securities Investment Fund
mixed type
Second, the revision of legal documents.
According to the changes in the above-mentioned fund names and fund categories, the Company revised the fund names and fund categories in the fund contracts, custody agreements and other documents of the above-mentioned eight funds, and correspondingly revised the risk-return characteristics of the funds in the fund contracts as follows: "This fund is a hybrid fund, and its long-term average risk and expected return level are lower than those of stock funds, but higher than those of bond funds and money market funds."
The change does not change the investment scope, portfolio ratio and investment strategy of the relevant funds, and it has no substantial adverse impact on the interests of fund share holders, and does not involve major changes in the rights and obligations of the parties to the fund contract. It is not necessary to convene a fund share holders' meeting for decision.