What is Hejubao Multi-fund product?
And different money fund products are added in the application of Hejubao. Users can choose the corresponding products to purchase, and can only hold one money fund product at the same time, but different money funds can carry out share conversion without interrupting the expected annualized expected income. The accessed funds are Jiashi A provided by harvest fund Company and Hejubao provided by Huitianfu Fund Company.
(As of the expected annualized expected income data of Hejubao: 2016/10/1)
What is a money fund?
Monetary funds mainly invest in short-term monetary instruments, such as treasury bonds, central bank bills, bank deposit certificates, government short-term bonds, corporate bonds, interbank deposits and other short-term securities. The risk is much lower than that of bond funds and equity funds, and the liquidity is excellent, which is known as the best substitute for demand deposits.
Is it safe to manage money with Jubao?
As can be seen from the above information, Hejubao is actually a monetary fund product, including Hejubao currency and Harvest currency A, from which investors can choose one for financial management.
1. and jubao account can only hold one monetary fund. When users transfer to a new fund, all the original funds need to be transferred to the new fund.
2. User's fund conversion times: 3 times a day.
3. After the user fund is converted, the expected annualized expected income of the original fund on the previous day will be automatically transferred to the user and Jubao accounts by the system.