If you want to save time and effort, investors can choose their trusted fund managers (fund portfolio managers, similar to fund managers), buy their own managed fund portfolios, and follow the manager's footsteps to balance their positions in time. Fund managers have their own positioning, so the fund portfolio may not meet the needs of all investors. Many investors have a strong subjective consciousness, have their own ideas about fund investment, and can also build their own fund portfolio.
The most important thing to establish a fund portfolio is to allocate and select funds.
What fund portfolios are there?
There are generally several models for the allocation of fund portfolio.
The first type: core satellite type
Core satellite is the most common fund portfolio model. As the name implies, it is a combination model of core funds and satellite funds. If it is an enterprising investor, the core fund is configured as a promising stock fund, such as a theme fund. Satellite funds choose index funds and bond funds with relatively low risk coefficients to spread risks. If you are a stable investor, the core fund can allocate broad-based index funds and bond funds to control the risk of portfolio and ensure the stability of income. The satellite part is equipped with an appropriate amount of active equity funds to obtain income. Usually, the core part chooses 1 fund with a capital ratio of 50%-70%, and then chooses 3-5 funds to spread risks, with a capital ratio of 30%-50%.
The second type: 28 distribution
This is the simplest fund portfolio allocation method, that is, 80% is allocated to bond funds and 20% to other stock funds. Because most assets are allocated in bond funds, this allocation is characterized by stability. The number of funds in the entire fund portfolio is 4 to 7.
The third type: balanced type
Distribute funds evenly into various funds according to a certain proportion, which can be classified according to the investment style box or according to the conventional standard fund classification mode. The most important purpose of this fund portfolio model is to spread risks. For different types of funds, the distribution of funds is relatively balanced and there is no particularly heavy fund.
Matters needing attention
In the process of constructing the fund portfolio, there are also some places to pay attention to.
1. Control the number of funds in the portfolio. The number of funds is too small to achieve the purpose of diversifying risks. The number of funds is too large to manage. Generally speaking, 4 to 7 funds in a fund portfolio are more appropriate.
2. Avoid choosing duplicate funds. The repetition here can be measured by the stocks held by the fund. So try not to choose the same fund. Large, medium and small stocks are scattered, and different themes are scattered. The lower the correlation, the better the effect of risk diversification.