Buying stocks does not have the ability to choose stocks and choose the right time. In addition, if you have limited time and no time to pay attention, it is very inappropriate to buy stocks. In addition, the risk of the stock itself is also relatively large. If you earn more stocks, you must plan to lose more. It is also very likely that the2,000 yuan will be completely gone.
Comparatively speaking, the risk of fund itself is less than that of stock, mainly because the investment of fund consumes less energy than that of stock. If the investment fund is compared to the investment of individual stocks, the investment fund has an extra layer of "protection", so that professional fund managers can identify investment opportunities and reduce investment risks, which is a relatively good choice for "ordinary people" who are busy every day.
However, the choice of funds is also more troublesome. There are more than 4,000 Public Offering of Fund in the market, and there are a bunch of categories: stock type, hybrid type, bond index type, capital preservation type, QDII, LOF and FOF, which are also very huge obstacles for non-professional investors to choose.
In order to help solve this problem, "fund portfolio" came into being. Fund portfolio is a kind of investment strategy style set by managers. By grasping the method of asset allocation, excellent funds are selected for investment, and the portfolio is adjusted and optimized in time according to market fluctuations.