1. According to the different operating modes of funds: open-end funds and closed-end funds.
2. According to different legal forms: corporate investment funds and contractual investment funds.
3. According to different investment objectives: growth investment fund, balanced investment fund and income investment fund.
4. Different investment strategies: stock funds, bond funds, money market funds and hybrid funds.
5. According to different investment concepts: active funds and passive (index) funds.
6. According to the different sources and uses of investment funds: onshore funds and offshore funds.
7. According to different financing methods: Public Offering of Fund, private equity funds.
8. Special types of funds: series funds, funds within funds (FOF), principal guaranteed fund, transactional open-end index funds (ETFs) and listed open-end funds (LOF).
Others: allocation funds, trust funds, insurance funds, hedge funds, QDII.