Both glucose and fructose are monosaccharides, and the molecular formula is C6H 12O6, but glucose is aldose and fructose is hexose, both of which are isomers, and can be transformed into each other through isomerization reaction. The open chain structural formula is as follows: the molecular structures of glucose and fructose are different on C 1 and C2 carbon atoms, and the carbon atom of glucose is aldehyde group.
Alloketose; Fructose; Sorbose; Tagarro sugar; Inositol (inositol)
Chiral isomer
Alose; Altruism; Mannose; Glucose; Idose galactose; Talose)α-D-D- furanose; β-D- furanose:
α-D- glucopyranose: β-D- glucopyranose.
Boat conformation GT- rotatory isomer
TD- rotatory isomer psicose; Fructose; Sorbose; Tagarro sugar; Inositol (inositol)
Chiral isomer
Alose; Altruism; Mannose; Glucose; Idose galactose; Talose)α-D-D- furanose; β-D- furanose.