The annualized income of money fund is one of the important indicators to measure the investment effect of money fund, which is usually used to compare the interest rates of different money funds. However, investors should note that the annualized income of the money fund is not a fixed figure. Influenced by many factors such as market interest rate and financial policy, it means that there is uncertainty in the rate of return. Therefore, investors should carefully choose monetary funds according to their own risk tolerance and investment objectives, so as to maximize the wealth management income.
Generally speaking, as a relatively low-risk financial product suitable for short-term investment, the annualized income of the money fund is favored by more and more investors. However, investors should pay attention to the fund manager's experience and ability, fund scale, cost level and other factors, as well as the fund's risk control measures when choosing to buy money funds. Only when investors fully understand the fund matters can they better predict the annualized income of the money fund, reduce the investment risk and obtain the best return on investment.