Boss, is He Hui currency B guaranteed?
Boss He Hui Currency B is a fund. Most funds are not guaranteed, and the minimum expected return is not guaranteed. Moreover, the net value of funds changes every day, while the expected return of money funds changes every day, including Boss He Hui currency B. Therefore, He Hui's currency B is not guaranteed.
In fact, we don't have to care too much about whether wealth management products can protect the capital. A wealth management product is not guaranteed, which does not mean it is unsafe. Specifically, it depends on the risks of wealth management products, such as the risk of losses.
Boss, will He Hui currency B lose money?
As a monetary fund, the security of Boss He Hui Currency B is the highest among all fund varieties. The risk level of money fund is low. It mainly invests in bank agreement deposits, interbank deposit certificates, central bank bills, government bonds and interest rate bonds. These investment products have high safety factor, low accident probability and safe principal.
Historically, money funds seem to have been losing money. There have been two money funds with negative expected returns of 10000. However, this has little impact on the investor's principal, only losing the expected return of one day. Generally speaking, the loss risk of Bosera He Hui currency B is low.
Summary: Boss He Hui currency B is not guaranteed, but it is safe and not easy to lose money, so investors need not worry too much.