First, set a good goal.
If you want to pass the exam smoothly, you need to make a good study plan and set your own study goals in advance, such as how long you need to study every day and which test sites to review every day. These need to be clear in advance. It is suggested that you study at a fixed time every day, which will help improve your learning efficiency.
Second, pay attention to the wrong questions and constantly check for leaks.
It is very important to review the examination of fund practice and sports training in peacetime. When doing problems, grasp the thinking of solving problems and correct the wrong problems in time. Find your own weaknesses and constantly check for leaks. For the real questions over the years, carefully study their propositional ideas and compare and summarize the laws.
Third, we should pay attention to learning methods.
In terms of learning methods, there is actually pressure. Often good learning methods can save a lot of time and energy, so it is also very crucial to find a suitable learning method. In the direction of preparing for the exam, everyone should combine textbooks and real exercises to consolidate knowledge points. You need to sum up after practicing every day. This is very important. Being good at summing up the learning content and clarifying the thinking of solving problems is the guarantee of passing the customs.
Fourth, sort out the knowledge framework
The special inspection time of the fund industry has been set in July, and the review should be as efficient as possible. It is a very practical learning method to learn to summarize, connect knowledge points with each other and sort out the knowledge framework. In the process of summing up knowledge, it is equivalent to reviewing knowledge and grasping the overall knowledge framework, which can effectively improve the efficiency of personal preparation!