Where to buy a fund, you can check it out. The possible channels are: online banking, other third-party online fund sales channels, such as Tian Tian Fund, Jimmy Fund, Haobu or Zhanheng, brokers, fund companies, direct sales in official website, etc. After logging in directly, you can find my fund or my fund assets and so on.
No matter where you buy a fund, you can find it directly in official website. Find official website and register. In my fund assets, or home page, you can see the funds you have purchased, and you will calculate the current profit and loss situation.
Note that the profit and loss we see are all in the past, and a date corresponds to a number. This value is not a redeemed asset. On the one hand, the net value of the redemption date has changed, on the other hand, it may be necessary to deduct the redemption fee.