According to the stock market inquiry, Huaan Reverse Strategy Hybrid A(040035) belongs to mixed medium risk, with a daily increase of +0.47%, and its profitability is better than that of peers by 45. 13%, which is at a medium level, with a revenue of 0.6% in the latest year, a volatility of 27. 14% and a volatility of 22.00% in the latest year.
The investment scope of the Fund is financial instruments with good liquidity, including domestic stocks (including small and medium-sized board, Growth Enterprise Market and other stocks approved by China Securities Regulatory Commission), bonds (including medium-term notes), money market instruments, warrants, asset-backed securities, stock index futures and other financial instruments permitted by laws and regulations or China Securities Regulatory Commission (subject to the relevant provisions of China Securities Regulatory Commission). If the future laws, regulations or regulatory agencies allow the Fund to invest in other varieties, the fund manager can include them in the investment scope after performing appropriate procedures.
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