Franco-Chinese-Chinese dictionary
<; Mouth > Premature sexy girl
French example library
1. Papa, Lolita esttombé e dans les rapides avec unourson!
Baba, Lolita and a bear have fallen into the river!
2.Attraper ! J 'ai Faitun Photo Souvenir, Lolita
caught it, and I took a photo as a souvenir, Lolita
3.Et oui, Lolita,? Amange aussi, les artists.
Look, Lolita, it turns out that artists also want to eat.
4. non, Lolita, c' est pas le moment de jouer, voyons
no, Lolita, now is not the time to play, watch!
5. viens Lolita, le clair de lune est majestic.
come here, Lolita, the moonlight is so beautiful.
6.? a alors ! Lolita marche sur l'eau ?
so it is! Lolita walks in the water?
7.Bonne idée! Toi, Lolita, Turests Là.
Good idea. Lolita, you can stay here.
8. Lolita a Ré ussison Numé ro de Trampoline. Le public est Enthusiaste. Unvrai Triomphe, Merci.
Lolita successfully completed the trampoline program, and the people were very excited. It was a real triumph. Thank you
9.Viens. Lolita, allons nous installer dans un endroit tranquille. Quel spectacle grandiose !
Lolita, come here. Let's find a quiet place to eat fruit. What a beautiful scenery!
1. "Tuverras, Avait Ditlolita, Encolumbie, Onparle Plus de Poé sieque de Politique.
(Maurois)" You can see that in this place of Gaolongbi, people don't talk much about politics, but more about poetry ".
11. tuverras, avait dit Lolita, en Colombia, on parle plus de poé sieque de politique. dè ce premier soir fontane dé couvritque cé tait vrai. (maurois)
You can see that in this place of Gaolongbi, people don't talk much about politics, but more about poetry. From the first night, Feng Dana realized that this was true.
12.Regarde ces algues Lolita, quand je pense que Barboutine a eu peur de ces légumes, quelle trouillarde cette fille (ces filles)! Ha ha ha...
Lolita, look at these algae. I think Barbouille is scared by them, you coward! hahaha