Explanation of fund terms
Explanation of Fund [Fund] The funds and funds reserved for starting, maintaining or developing a certain cause. Explain in detail the funds or special appropriations reserved for starting, maintaining or developing a certain cause. Funds must be used for specified purposes and accounted for separately. Sha Ting's The Return of the Native: "One of them is to ask rural cooperatives to allocate a sum of money as a fund." We decided to allocate 500,000 yuan from the operating expenses as the fund of the electronic science popularization center. Explanatory basis of word decomposition base and the foot of building: cornerstone. Foundation. Lay the foundation stone basics: basics. Foundation. Grass roots. Base point benchmark. According to: based on. Chemically, when some subatomic atoms contained in the molecule of a compound are regarded as a unit, they are called "groups": groups. Ground state. Amino group. Carboxyl group. Interpretation of Gold Gold: a chemical element, symbol Au, atomic number, yellow-red, soft: gold. Gold. Golden pen. Solids (except mercury), such as gold, are shiny, malleable and easy to heat and conduct electricity. : metal. Hardware (formerly known as gold, silver, copper, iron and tin). Alloy (mixture of two or more metals)