As early as the 1980s, the United States accused Iran of trying to secretly develop nuclear weapons. Iran claimed that it had the right to peacefully use nuclear energy. I think it was a lie... Then at the end of 2002, the United States used satellites to take pictures of Iran's nuclear facilities.
and use this to put pressure on Iran.
In February 2003, Iran announced that it had discovered and refined uranium, which attracted the attention of the international community. In fact, it also caused the world to worry about the storage and use of Iran's nuclear safety.
After many negotiations, in 2003, the International Atomic Energy Agency passed a resolution requiring Iran to announce the suspension of its nuclear program before the end of October.
In October, Iran stated that it would terminate its uranium enrichment project. In December, Iran signed an additional agreement called the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons. However, European and North American countries further demanded that Iran dismantle its machinery, but due to the huge investment,
, or for other reasons, Iran did not want to dismantle these facilities, so the negotiations reached a deadlock.
The United Kingdom, France, Germany and other European countries are very patient with the negotiations and have high hopes for Iran to give up its nuclear program by providing assistance. However, the United States has dismissed such negotiations and often issued warnings and threats, causing Iran to give up its nuclear program.
I got angry and started to implement the nuclear program again. In the end, I think the United States also has a certain responsibility. The United States was too aggressive, which caused Iran to become angry.