Stock analysis software is accurately called securities decision analysis system, which adds some specific functions to the basic functions of common market software, such as some indexes and formulas for analyzing market, news information, early warning system, stock selection system, after-hours analysis, real-time information release system, research report, topview data and so on. "The stock market is risky and investment needs to be cautious". Shareholders should choose their own stock trading software according to their own needs, and then form their own and effective stock trading model by combining certain analytical theories and their own stock trading experience. The essence of stock analysis software is to summarize the stock market data into a series of reports, indicator charts and real-time information according to certain analysis models and trading models, so that the majority of shareholders can analyze the market and individual stocks more clearly and intuitively from the fundamental and technical aspects, and grasp the stock market trend immediately and conveniently. Stock analysis software is a tool for stock trading, so please use it flexibly.