Full name of the fund: China Shipping Blue Chip Flexible Allocation Hybrid Securities Investment Fund
Fund code: 39831 (front end)
Fund type: hybrid
Date of issue: October 15, 28
Date of establishment/scale: December 3, 28/ 746.3 million shares
Asset size: 245 million yuan (as of June 3, 214)
Fund manager: China Shipping Fund
Fund custodian: Agricultural Bank of China
Fund manager: Qiu Hongli
Dividend: .67 yuan (4 times) per share
Maximum redemption rate: .5% (front-end)
Performance benchmark: Shanghai and Shenzhen 3 Index 6%+ China Bond government bond index 4%
Expected annualized return characteristics of risk: The Fund is a hybrid securities investment fund, which is a relatively high-risk variety among securities investment funds. The fund's long-term average risk and historical expected annualized expected return are lower than those of equity funds and higher than those of bond funds and money market funds.
Dividend policy:
1. Each fund share of the Fund enjoys equal distribution rights.
2. The net value of each fund share after the expected annualized expected income distribution of the fund cannot be lower than the face value.
3. The bank transfer or other formalities incurred in the distribution of expected annualized expected income shall be borne by the investors themselves.
4. The expected annualized expected income of the Fund is distributed at most 1 times a year, and the distribution ratio of the expected annualized expected income of the Fund is not less than 6% of the distributable expected annualized expected income.
5. The expected annualized expected income of the Fund can be distributed in two ways: cash dividend and dividend reinvestment. Investors can choose cash dividend or automatically convert cash dividend into fund share according to the net value of fund share on ex-dividend date for reinvestment. If investors do not choose, the default expected annualized expected income distribution method of the Fund is cash dividend.
6. if laws, regulations or regulatory agencies provide otherwise, such provisions shall prevail.
the chart of net value of China Shipping Blue Chip is as follows: