The allusion of "Xingtan" comes from a fable of Zhuangzi. In that fable, Zhuangzi said that Confucius called his disciples to give lectures everywhere, and wherever he went, he gave lectures in Xinglin. When resting, sit on the apricot altar. Later, according to Zhuangzi's fable, people called the "Xingtan" the place where Confucius gave lectures, and also the place where people gathered to give lectures.
Later, people built altars, pavilions, monuments and apricots in front of Dacheng Hall of Confucius Temple in Qufu, Shandong Province. In the Northern Song Dynasty, descendants of Confucius built altars and planted apricot trees in Qufu ancestral hall, hence the name "Apricot Altar". Later generations compared the place where teaching and educating people to the apricot altar.
Literature in a broad sense is the art of language and writing, an important manifestation of social culture and the embodiment of beauty. Literary works are works that writers express their unique spiritual world with unique language art. Without these two unique characteristics, there would be no real literary works.
An outstanding writer is a hero in the spiritual world of a nation. Literature represents the art and wisdom of a nation. Literature is a subject that expresses social life and psychological activities in words, and belongs to the category of social ideology.
Literature is an art that uses language and words to intuitively reflect the objective reality and express the writer's inner world, including poetry, prose, novels, scripts, fables, fairy tales and other genres. It is an important literary form, which expresses inner feelings in different forms and reproduces social life in a certain period and region.
As a discipline, literature includes China language and literature, foreign language and literature and journalism and communication.
Baidu encyclopedia-literature