After the transaction between the landlord and the developer at that time, the house generally has to pay the public maintenance fund, the general proportion is 1.5% of the total loan. The elevator is a public facility in the community, therefore, the elevator is broken.
, should not be borne by the home buyer, let alone you, the tenant.
Because the fees for maintaining some public facilities have already been paid by the public company, how can the property company charge them again?
The above is the explanation after the transaction of commercial housing under normal circumstances. If the purchaser of the house, that is, the landlord, fails to complete the relevant payment procedures when checking in or paying fees.
At the very least, it should not be passed on to the lessee.
It should be paid for by the buyer.
Therefore, although the lessee is the actual user of the elevator (within a certain period of time), how can the elevator usage and maintenance costs be blurred?
Generally, the cost of using elevators is included in the property expenses, and the maintenance of elevators, including the overhaul of public facilities, is included in the public maintenance fund.